5 new features of Google AdWords in 2013

Google AdWords has just received an upgrade of 5 new features. These features promise to help PPC (pay-per-click) managers and advertisers add excitement to their plans and strategies in 2013.

Google AdWords has just received an upgrade of 5 new features. These features promise to help PPC (pay-per-click) managers and advertisers add excitement to their plans and strategies in 2013.

1. Sitelinks are upgraded:

Along with the launch of enhanced campaigns in AdWords we have upgraded Sitelink . Previously, sitelinks were only created at the campaign level. Now that each individual sitelink can be created and assigned to ad groups, 'override' at the ad group level brings the ability to coordinate and get new accuracy with this ad expansion feature.

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Sitelinks are upgraded

Mobile-specific sitelinks also offer an opportunity for additional information to be emphasized locally such as directions or local specialties. Sitelinks can also be scheduled, very suitable for ads and seasonal events.

2. New feature Keyword Planner:

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New feature Keyword Planner

The feature that appeared in the April AdWords announcement was officially put into operation. Essentially this is an old keyword tool ( keyword tool) combined with traffic estimator tool to produce Keyword Planner to effectively use the benefits of each tool in a single tool.

The same feature has been slightly improved. You can change match type sequences before adding them to the plan, and the tool supports you traffic prediction right next to the keywords to help you easily select the appropriate keywords for the campaign.

In addition, the tool can group keyword lists to make predictions. You just need to select 2 or more keyword lists to combine to create new keywords and get predictions for them. This way saves you quite a bit of time compared to manual work.

3. New Google Display Planner feature:

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AdWords Display Planner

Google's new Display Planner feature has the same Adwords interface plus Google Ad Planner data and prediction information. Advertisers can here on topics ( Topics ), Interests , or Placement to target based on object prediction information.

AdWords tells you how many ' cookies ' are available for the target, with each cookie representing a certain device instead of a specific person. Predicting Impressions every week (Impr./wk) is also quite useful information.

4. Adjust bid on Mobile by ad group:

Adjusting the bid on moble for enhanced campaign in AdWords is done at campaign level. Previously, you were worried about not being able to adjust the bid prices for all ad groups, but now Google offers mobile ad adjustment feature by ad group that offers customization at a deeper level.

If an ad group has a lot of difference in CPCs compared to the rest of the campaign, you can use this feature to balance bids and minimize their spending based on previous activity data.

5. AdWords Upgrade Center:

With the launch of the upgrade center for enhanced campaign, it brings more convenience to advertisers when they need to upgrade their campaigns. With just a few clicks you can update for multiple campaigns at once.

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Adwords Upgrade Center for enhanced campaign

However, if you want the job to be easier, you should do some research beforehand. In this tool, by default, AdWords selects the ' Use the Google-default, calculated for each campaign' setting, which means selecting by Google suggestions and calculations for each campaign, and it may not be suitable for campaigns. You need to tweak.

Research will tell you how much information like CPC on mobile accounts for the cost and use that strategy to avoid using the default as much as possible.

The above features are ready for you to test. This is really a worthwhile upgrade in AdWords, PPC managers and advertisers will have new opportunities and experiences to reach out to potential customers and improve the effectiveness of the campaign, contribute to the overall success of the overall marketing strategy of the business.

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