7 ways to combine food can be harmful to your health

Please take a look at 7 ways to combine food that can be harmful to your health and do not mix together too often!

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Having some food when eaten together will cause chemical reactions that make the transition from beneficial to harmful or lose the microelements so that they no longer have nutritional value.Please take a look at 7 ways to combine food that can be harmful to your health and do not mix together too often!

1. Sandwich + Coffee

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When there is not much time, a quick breakfast on the move is the solution that most people we often use. If you eat cheese sandwich combined with coffee, your body will not absorb many beneficial nutrients in cheese .

The substances in bread will prevent calcium absorption properly . Moreover, if you use more instant coffee, it is completely unhealthy for your health.

  1. Tip : If you like to eat cheese sandwich, try replacing coffee with white tea or green tea.

2. Tomato + Cucumber

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People often combine these two foods together to make salads in the summer. However, the latest research shows that combining these two foods may have a negative impact on the body's digestive system. The consequences can lead to excess calcium and vomiting, the vitamins in both foods are not absorbed properly.

  1. Tip : Eat tomatoes and cucumbers separately. For example, today made tomato salad and green vegetables, cucumber salad can be made tomorrow.

3. French fries + Grill

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Who can resist the barbecue and fries! Unfortunately, this is a very ' heavy ' combination. The starch contained in potato chips needs alkalotic gastric juice to digest, and the proteins contained in the meat need acid digestion. When combined, they will stagnate in the stomach and can cause heartburn, vomiting, flatulence and many other symptoms.

  1. Tip : Make a side dish for meat like asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans or zucchini.

4. Pasta + Minced meat pasta

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The same reason applies to minced meat and pasta. Salivary glands produce ptyalin and amylase, converting starch in pasta into simple sugars. When simple sugars enclose proteins in meat, they form a dangerous chemical mixture that can lead to diabetes .

  1. Tip : It is best to eat pasta separately. Or choose pasta made from hard wheat and combine with herb sauce.

5. Beer + Nuts

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This is one of the most popular combination dishes in Vietnam. People like to eat salty nuts ( like peanuts ) while drinking beer. However, foods with high salt content are not only unhealthy but also lead to dehydration and increase the desire to drink more beer.

  1. Tip : When drinking alcohol, bring water or soda with you to avoid dehydration.

6. Milk + Pineapple

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These fruits and fruits make your digestive system work less efficiently, especially in the morning. In addition, pineapples containing bromelain , combined with substances in dairy products, can create poisoning compounds .

Furthermore, the combination of milk and pineapple can cause a variety of problems in children such as nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and headaches.

  1. Tip : You can add dried apricots or plums instead of pineapples.

7. Milk + Banana

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Many people prefer to combine these two foods because they are nutritious and easy to prepare. However, some nutritionists think that it is better to use fruits, especially sweet fruits. Because they often stay in the body longer and slow down the digestive system , especially when eating with other foods. For milk, drinking is also good for health and digestive system.

  1. Tip : Use bananas to make snacks between meals.

See also: 14 harmless foods but if overdose can cause death

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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