7 simple ways to eliminate headaches without taking medicine

Headache is not a serious disease, but it often annoys you. But you should not always take medicine. Try the following 7 ways to ease a headache.

A headache is a disease that is not too dangerous, but when it occurs often it makes people feel uncomfortable and encounter many troubles that affect significantly to life and work.

Many people who suffer from headaches often choose to take painkillers to prevent this situation immediately, but overuse of drugs makes the body more likely to become greasy as well as health effects.

So, in this article we will help you get rid of headaches without having to use drugs, still be able to restore health quickly.

1. Drink plenty of water

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Dehydration can be a major cause of headaches, so every time you have a dizzy headache, you should also give your body water, which is considered the easiest way to repel the pain. head. Water plays a very important and necessary role for the body. When you have a headache, dizziness, dizziness, you need to add more water or better juice fruit.

2. Watermelon cure headache

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Instead of taking medicine every time you have a headache, you can eat a little watermelon, which is also considered an extremely beneficial food in pain relief.

With watermelon outside the juice, you can prepare the following formula to treat simple headaches.

2 large watermelon pieces, 1 part shaved ice, ½ cup yogurt, a little honey and grated ginger. This smoothie will be especially good for people with nausea and headache. If you don't like watermelons, you can also use high-water foods such as cucumbers, tomatoes or lettuce.

3. Apply ice to the temple

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In addition to adding water, you can use cold stones to place on your forehead to help ease the pain. Cold ice when put on the head will help blood vessels to regain and increase blood circulation effectively for this area. For people with tension headaches or sinusitis, this is arguably the best treatment.

4. Drink coffee

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Have you ever heard about drinking coffee to help reduce headaches? This is one of the centuries-long headaches.

According to experts, 'Alcoholic drinks cause blood vessels to swell, causing headaches. Meanwhile, caffeine in coffee has a vasoconstrictive effect. However, if you drink too much coffee can be counterproductive. Caffeine is also a diuretic, which can increase the likelihood of dehydration and make headaches worse. "

Therefore, a cup of coffee can help you reduce headaches due to drunkenness, but drinking coffee all day is not an effective measure.

5. Rub peppermint oil into the temples

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Use peppermint essential oil to rub the temples, chin and nape to help relieve headaches. After massage, gently massage, press the acupuncture points. Then the oil quickly penetrates the skin, dilating the constricting blood vessels, helping you relieve all the stress and discomfort caused by the pain. When using this headache treatment massage method, you must be careful if you have 1 sensitive skin.

6. Eat some spicy food

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Some spicy foods, such as ginger, chili-containing foods, and so on, all have significant benefits in relieving headaches. For people who often have headaches, dizziness, and nausea, drinking a little ginger tea will immediately reduce the above symptoms.

If the cause of dizziness is caused by sinusitis, spicy foods can assist in opening the airways, relieving pressure and accompanying headaches.

7. Almonds treat headaches

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Perhaps people with migraine or migraine headaches will like this: 'Magnesium-rich diet, according to many experts, is a great way to prevent pain effectively'.

Magnesium is found in almonds, helps relax blood vessels, balance the concentration of brain chemicals, thereby preventing pain. In addition to almonds, some other headaches can be helped by magnesium richness, such as bananas, dried apricots, butter, cashews, beans .

Update 24 May 2019


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