8 causes of headaches in the morning

Some of the causes of hearing may seem irrelevant to headaches, but they can actually make your head explode in the morning. Here are 8 causes of headaches in the morning. Invite you to consult!
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Some of the causes of hearing may seem irrelevant to headaches, but they can actually make your head " explode " in the morning.

The morning headache may be alluding to something serious. If there is a situation that confirms that your new day is starting to get bad, it is the fact that it pulls you out of bed with a headache.

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Waking up with a headache in the morning not only makes you tired, but it also affects many other activities during the day. So what do you usually do to make that annoying headache appear?

It turns out, there are many causes that can lead to discomfort and frustration. And meanwhile, not all of them can be under your control, they are one of them.

Here are 8 surprising causes of morning headaches, and what you should do to avoid this situation.

1. Not getting enough sleep

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Each person needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day so that the body can function normally the next day. Therefore, when you sleep less ( not getting enough sleep ), your body will assume that is wrong and start entering " panic mode ".

Salvatore Napoli , a doctor at the New England Neuroscience Center, said: " When sleep is not enough, a series of 'acute stress response' hormones in the body begins to work, leading to an increase in rhythm. heart, high blood pressure and stress . 'And all of that can cause headaches.

Dr. Napoli added: ' An over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or naproxen can help you get over this condition in the morning .' They will reduce pain by cutting agitation.

Solution : If you still feel tired and bad, you can sleep a little more or take a nap for 20-30 minutes so your body can rest more, which is necessary for your body to function normally. ( A long sleep at this time is not the optimal solution because it can make you tired, the headaches will get worse. ) You should maintain a stable sleep duration so that there is no headache. tomorrow.

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2. Sleeping too much

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If sleep is not enough, it can cause headaches in the morning, too much sleep can have the same effect.

" Sleeping for more than 9 hours at night can also cause a decrease in hormone levels. Low serotonin levels can reduce blood flow to the brain and cause headaches ," explains Napoli .

These types of headaches tend to strike on weekends, when you can sleep more - that's just one of the reasons why you feel so bad to sleep later than usual.

Solution : Dr. Napoli says that Ibuprofen or naproxen can alleviate your discomfort, but the best way to stop them is to wake up after 7-8 hours of sleep. Many people often experience headaches on the weekends without knowing why, actually because they have slept too much. Therefore, setting the weekend alarm may help you.

3. The body produces less hormone endorphins

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Endorphins are hormones that feel good and are usually produced by the body throughout the day but in the early morning is the lowest. For some people, the status of hormone endorphins too low is the cause of migraine .

Dr. Mark Khorsandi , who works at Migraine Relief Center in Dallas and Fort Worth, explains: " Low levels of endorphins can affect the extent to which other neurotransmitters (such as serotonin) cause blood vessels to be collected. "Narrowing of the blood vessels reduces blood flow to the brain, which can cause headaches. Unfortunately, experts cannot explain why only some people suffer from this condition, not all ."

Solution : Dr. Mark Khorsandi advises you to exercise in the morning to prevent a headache from appearing because exercise will help stimulate release of endorphins more.

4. Drink alcohol the night before

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Drinking too much alcohol can lead to headaches the next morning. You don't need to be drunk to feel a headache.

According to Dr. Khorsandi, some alcoholic beverages such as alcohol can make you dehydrated, reducing blood flow to the brain, leading to brain damage. And that can cause headaches to recur. Alcohol can also make you unable to sleep well - another cause of headaches.

Solution : " The best way to start feeling better is to drink a lot of filtered water or electrolyte drinks (like Gatorade) to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol. Vitamin C tablets or powder are stirred into the water also. It can help the liver process alcohol more effectively, push it out of the body faster, and the headaches decrease significantly . ", Dr. Khorsandi said.

5. Snoring the night before

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Dr. Khorsandi remarked: " Snoring like a smithy " is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea - a condition that can make you choke, gasp, due to lack of air, even a pause in breathing throughout. all night while sleeping. These chokes last only for a few seconds, but they can lead to lack of oxygen entering the brain.

Experts are not entirely sure why this could lead to headaches, but some experts argue that less oxygen supply to the brain can cause vasodilation in the brain , increasing blood flow. And the pressure in your head can cause headaches.

Solution : You may not realize that you have sleep apnea, especially if you sleep alone. So talk to your doctor for a better health check and better control of the situation.

6. Lack of coffee

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Caffeine is a mild addictive substance that stimulates your nervous system. So if you drink coffee regularly and don't " fix " it at a normal time ( like when you are sleeping or trying to quit caffeine ), you may experience symptoms of headaches when you wake up.

Dr Napoli said: " Sudden caffeine withdrawal leads to the expansion of blood vessels in the brain. The result is more blood flowing into your brain and causing great pressure, leading to headaches ."

Solution : You will likely have a headache if you are a person who drank a lot of coffee or drank coffee at the same time every morning. If that's the case, reducing a cup of coffee is the best way to feel better. And if you are trying to eliminate the habit of drinking caffeine, cut it slowly - a one or two week process - instead of cutting it right away.

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7. Depressed mood

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Headaches related to depression can occur at any time of the day. That's because depression is related to lower levels of the hormone serotonin.Serotonin is a neurotransmitter mainly found in the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Serotonin depletion can lead to feelings of boredom, decreased desire, decreased interest or easily irritated.

Dr. Napoli said: " The disease is particularly common in the morning due to a sleep disturbance cycle is what people who are depressed or suffer. If you think you are dealing with depression, it's best you Should see a doctor immediately ".

Symptoms that can cause confusion with your regular sleep hours, and too much or too little sleep can cause headaches. Pain can also affect your mood, creating a cycle is not good.

Solution : Over-the-counter pain relievers can help you in a short time. But the best way to solve it is to find and overcome the root causes of the problem. If you think you may be depressed, talk to your doctor. Antidepressants or therapies can help you get back to normal and solve problems that lead to headaches.

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8. High blood pressure

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According to Dr. Khorsandi, when you have high blood pressure - defined as 140 / 90mmHg or higher - your blood really puts pressure on your head. And that pressure is a common cause of headaches.

Many people with high blood pressure don't know it, because this condition doesn't have many external symptoms. ( In addition to headache, you may have many other problems .) So go to the doctor if your headache is frequent and inexplicable. In case of high blood pressure, your doctor will recommend lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, or prescribe appropriate blood pressure medication.

Bonus extra: The ultimate cause of headaches in the morning

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Dr. Napoli said: " Usually, morning headaches are very easy to overcome. But in rare cases, they may indicate an extremely serious underlying problem, such as brain tumors or aneurysms. So talk to your doctor if you have a frequent headache (whether it happens in the morning or other hours of the day) - more than twice a week for three to six months. The doctor will give you the most appropriate treatment regimen . "

Dr. Khorsandi also advises seeing a doctor if the headache makes you more depressed or affect your life or work. The doctor may perform MRI or EEG ( a test to see the electrical activity in your brain ) to learn more about what's happening in the brain or give an eye exam, because headache also Can be caused by stress on vision.

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