6 Useful Ideas for Your Holiday Marketing Strategy

The holiday season is just around the corner and we do hope your dedicated marketing campaign is in full swing because if you want to be ahead of the competition, the early launch is king.

Still in the stage of final preparations? No worries, with these 6 awesome and incredibly useful ideas for your holiday marketing strategy, you will easily make up for the lost time and get off to a flying start.

Picture 1 of 6 Useful Ideas for Your Holiday Marketing Strategy

Embrace SMS Marketing

If you are short of time, it is hard to find a better way to reach both existing and new customers than through SMS marketing. Did you know that this direct and instant channel has a read rate of 97%? Moreover, the majority of people read their messages within 15 minutes of delivery - no wonder that to handle an ever-increasing flow of businesses on its website URL during the holiday seasons, each marketing company worth its salt must have all hands on deck. Mobile phones are arguably the most used devices of all, and to get an SMS, one even does not need an internet connection, which makes this method an ideal solution for connecting with your target audience and growing your business. By the way, not only during the holidays but also all-the-year-round.


Offer Free Rewards

Holidays are a time of giving and people buy all kinds of gifts: small for friends and colleagues, original and pricey for loved ones, engaging for kids, and even special for themselves. Offering a free product (service) or purchase gift is a great way to increase sales and boost revenues. In fact, nobody still has invented a better strategy to motivate shoppers not only to buy your product or pay for your service but also to spend more money. So do not underestimate the simple idea of offering a sweet free treat with a certain purchase. If offering a free reward doesn't sound attractive to your company, try with free shipping.


Show Gratitude To Your Customers

It's hard to find a more appropriate opportunity to show your customers that you value their loyalty than doing it during the holiday season. With a myriad of ways to say thank you available, choose the one that suits your business the best. Why not start with sending an e-mail replenished by a beautiful card and a couple of kind words. Believe it or not, although it looks like a really small thing, in reality, it can make a huge difference, persuading your potential customer to purchase from you and not from your competitors. Do not take loyalty for granted, people like to know that you appreciate it.


Create Holiday-Themed Ads

It doesn't matter which resources you engage in your marketing campaign, make sure to create dedicated advertisements for the upcoming holiday. Regardless of whether it is about ads to place across various social media, a series of blog posts, or a campaign in a local printed newspaper, do not forget that adding special holiday-themed motives and vibes work miracles. For instance, the great bulk of us start living in the anticipation of Christmas at the very beginning of November, so we expect the surroundings to catch up with our festive mood.


Make The Sparks Ignite

It's no secret, people do love holidays because it's time to be happy and even overjoyed without any particular reason, right? Why not support the wondrous fairytale and show your clients that your company has nothing against tapping into the holiday craze? 

Picture 2 of 6 Useful Ideas for Your Holiday Marketing Strategy

When building your marketing campaign, do not forget to pay extra attention to the emotional side of your content. Think of a couple of inspirational messages you can send to your audience and do not skip the opportunity to share exciting pictures of how your team celebrates the holiday.


Plan Ahead And Start Early

We can't help but say it out loud one more time – if you want to reach your lofty goals, start your holiday marketing campaign early. Do not be afraid that people might not be interested in Black Friday offers in October – many of your potential customers plan purchases well ahead and won't miss the opportunity to buy their sought-after item at a better price. Remember, the earlier you launch your campaign, the better your chances to make the most of the money you spent on it.


Each holiday has its virtues but the festive atmosphere and gifts giving are something they all have in common. Incorporate these 6 useful ideas into your holiday marketing strategy to make your campaign the most successful ever. 

Update 19 September 2020


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