6 super simple ways to learn new languages ​​in 5 minutes a day

Maybe you are planning to go abroad, work in an international organization or simply want to expand your eyes, a new language will be very useful and even more beneficial.

Learning a foreign language may have always been on the list of things you want to do, but there are always countless reasons why you postpone this, which is very common due to lack of time and difficulty absorbing.

Today's article will bring solutions to these problems, with just a bit of time each day, anyone can improve their foreign language skills, even following the way of learning and playing. Here are ways to learn language for 5-10 minutes a day.

Accumulate a little every day for great results

Microlearning is a method of receiving information in short bursts, in many ways. Many small information can leave a lasting impact.

This method is suitable for learning new languages ​​for two reasons.

  1. Time: it does not require you to spend hours every day absorbing as much information as possible. This 'small bite-to-bite' method will help ensure an effective and usable acquisition.
  2. Motivation: long-term learning process will help you gradually see the results, excitement when more knowledge every day.

1. Install the vocabulary application


One of the many language user applications to apply this method is Duolingo. It includes 21 languages ​​and is available for free, available on Windows, iOS and Android. A study showed that 34 hours of study with Duilingo is equivalent to a college term.

The lessons of Duolingo are designed in the form of games so the learning process will be more interesting and attractive. The application focuses on translating directly words and phrases. As a result, you can translate between languages ​​faster and simpler.

Easy Ten

One of the most effective language learning applications is Easy Ten. This is a vocabulary learning app that offers 10 new words every day. You can choose the topic you like and increase the number of words each day.

Easy Ten offers new words with pronunciation, translation, definition, for example use case. Once you remember the word, you can make a puzzle. Free application, available on both iOS and Android.

2. Watch videos in foreign languages

Learning by new words brings quick results but will not be wide enough to use when communicating. If so, try watching a video that speaks a foreign language.

You have spent time listening to music, watching movies and many of them are on YouTube. Expand into new languages, help your ears learn to hear and blend into the language of this language, so that learning is like a hobby rather than a burden. Try the Easy Languages ​​channel on YouTube to listen to street stories, and there are many channels with different chat situations.

3. Learn new languages ​​with music

Another way to make learning language easier and fun is to use applications, websites that learn vocabulary according to the lyrics.


This is a page that allows you to choose songs by genre, favorite artists and learn new vocabulary while listening, then test your knowledge with multiple choice tests.

Lyrics Training

Your only task on this page is to fill in the gap in the lyrics when listening to music. You can choose multiple levels of learning, from the initial Beginner level to fill 10% of the lyrics to a higher level like Expert.

Picture 1 of 6 super simple ways to learn new languages ​​in 5 minutes a day

Just listen to music and fill in the lyrics with Lyrics Training

4. Save time by learning while waiting

Do you often find yourself wasting time while waiting for friends to respond on Facebook? Take advantage of those times and use it to learn a foreign language.


This Chrome utility is a simple way to fill the time gap, bringing interactive exercises to vocabulary so instead of staring at the computer screen, you can learn some new words and review old words.

Picture 2 of 6 super simple ways to learn new languages ​​in 5 minutes a day

Use the waiting time to learn new words

5. Use learning plugins

If you're very busy and don't have the time to leave the site you're watching, but want to learn a foreign language at the same time, all you need is plugins.


Flewent is a plugin on Chrome with the ability to translate some words into the language you choose. Flewent will help learn words while reading news, Wiki or web browsing . It also has pop-ups for viewing from Google Translate, Wikipedia or Dictionary.com.

Picture 3 of 6 super simple ways to learn new languages ​​in 5 minutes a day

Surf the web while learning new words with Flewent

6. Chat

Finally, it's time to practice to speak in a more fluent language, and also have an application for this skill.

The French Number

This app has just helped to learn French, while helping you know more about French culture. From anywhere in the world, you can call with a random French person and chat about anything, from technology, music to the very process of learning your language.

No need to speak fluent French to use The French Number because users can speak English. The application is available on both iOS and Android.

There are many interesting tools to learn foreign languages ​​that we cannot mention. But the final choice is yours. Choose the right tool and persist in learning to receive the results you always expect.

Update 24 May 2019


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