6 simple things to help your brain get better and better

There are many activities that are common in everyday life if focused on strengthening will help the brain work more effectively.

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The brain is an extremely important part of our human body, it determines the thinking and behavior of people.

Today, many young people are very susceptible to the syndrome of 'goldfish brain', which greatly affects their health and daily life. To limit these bad effects, we need to make the brain work regularly. And if you want your brain to work properly, you should regularly perform 6 simple activities below.

1. Play puzzle games

Picture 1 of 6 simple things to help your brain get better and better

Some simple games like solving puzzles or sudoku or any kind of intellectual game, will make your brain work, which brings a lot of benefits. When playing these games, force your brain to think continuously, consolidate the areas you already know related to the question to give the most accurate answer. It is these interconnected activities that will help the brain increase awareness, the brain will operate more acutely and solve problems more quickly.

2. Communicate more with people around

Picture 2 of 6 simple things to help your brain get better and better

Talking to others is also a way to help the brain work better. Because when you talk to people, your brain will have to constantly absorb and handle the appropriate information given by the opponent in response to them.

Although the issues surrounding your story are just about food, weather, fashion . But, it is enough for your brain to receive countless positive benefits. In addition, communicating with other people also helps improve mood, reduce depression so it also limits the effective cognitive decline.

3. Learn foreign languages ​​every day

Picture 3 of 6 simple things to help your brain get better and better

Many studies show that learning a language helps protect your brain, limiting the risk of Alzheimer's disease. People who are able to speak two languages, their cognitive abilities are often better than those who know only their mother tongue.

Explaining this, scientists said that memorizing new vocabulary, arranging words, listening and translating continuously . long time will help increase brain activity, thus having a limited effect. risk of dementia.

4. Regular writing

Picture 4 of 6 simple things to help your brain get better and better

Writing journals, writing lyrics . no matter what you write or write by hand or beating, all these things require your brain to think continuously to find the right words. Best. In addition, when writing, your brain also needs to focus and work continuously to remember, process and organize information accordingly.

5. Sing

Picture 5 of 6 simple things to help your brain get better and better

Wanting to sing a certain song, force you to remember the melody and lyrics of that song, so that your brain is also significantly improved. When the song plays, the song I love is true, it also affects your brain to be more excited and work more effectively.

6. Dance and dance

Picture 6 of 6 simple things to help your brain get better and better

Dancing, dancing is a complex activity that requires performers to have a smooth coordination between body parts, control movements, remember choreography . In addition, people who dance and dance The dance must also be associated with the musical melody and continuously accumulate more and more new movements.

It is this that helps your brain to work continuously without stopping, thus enhancing your memory capacity and the brain's quickness.

These are good brain activities that you should regularly do. Thus, the brain will be alert, work creatively and help you reap more success!

Update 24 May 2019


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