5 ways to refuse do not offend others

Please refer to 5 ways to say NO below to find a way to refuse without losing your heart!

One of the most difficult problems is to say no to someone. Saying NO to bluntly denying will make your relationship worse, whether a business or an individual cannot always say YES to everything at once. Don't be awkward when someone asks you something when you don't really want to help or you don't want to do it. What will you do before that situation? Usually when words used from NO to refuse often can make things much worse. Please refer to the 5 non-speaking strategies below to find a way to refuse without losing your heart !

1. Check the calendar

Picture 1 of 5 ways to refuse do not offend others

If you encounter someone who comes and asks for you right away at that time, you can say no by telling them you need to check your schedule. After that, you will be happy to help that person if they find you sooner because now you have a busy job .

2. Request more information

This can be used both at home and at work. Usually, some people often need you to give advice and advice about an ongoing event. You can extend it by asking for more information to better understand the situation, the situation before giving the best advice. Over half a time later, you will no longer hear anything from them. If they are really enthusiastic about that problem, then telling everything to you is a shame but not helping them, right?

3. Express regret

Picture 2 of 5 ways to refuse do not offend others

This way is relatively easy and everyone can apply it. All you need to do is express how much you feel sorry for not being able to help them or not be able to devote yourself to that project at this time for some reason. Use a few sample sentences below to express regret:

  1. I'm sorry, I wish I had time to help you but .
  2. I wish I could help you but now I'm busy .
  3. Unfortunately, the offer is great but .

Do you have an idea for yourself? Hope others will do the same.

4. Request more time

This is used in a romantic or family relationship. If you feel tired with the opponent and want to break up. Don't say it out loud, ask them to give you time to calm down and consider things. After all, a long-term relationship cannot be decided only in a short period of time, right? Ask for more time and if this is what you want for a long time.

5. Use a harmless lie

Picture 3 of 5 ways to refuse do not offend others

That day you didn't want to go out to dinner with colleagues? Tell them that your mom or lover has prepared a hot dinner at home waiting for you (although not). These innocent little lies can help you get out of awkward situations and avoid hurting others, so it's okay to use it occasionally. However, we should not use it at any time, only occasionally using it will be no problem because this is probably the most effective way to refuse in some cases.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. 8 reasons you should learn to say "NO" right now
  2. 7 things successful people never say
  3. 11 skills are extremely difficult to learn but extremely helpful in the successful path

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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