20 sentences like slap in the face for those who choose to give up too soon

Life, with straight lines, bends, sometimes up and down. Accept it, because you are alive!

Life is never a pink color, it is a colorful painting in which each color is a spice of life. Sometimes we walk on red carpets filled with roses and sometimes step on the thorns of those flowers. When you get stuck, learn how to overcome because no one lives for your own life, but you have to really live your life. Knowing to overcome the deadlock, challenge and value what we have, you will find that this life still has lots of luck and hope. Don't give up on a bit of hardship but give up on the future ahead, want to be happy, you have to pay yourself to buy it. And when you overcome these difficulties you will find yourself growing up, those impasse is actually nothing as scary as you think.

1. All sufferings of people, are ridicule for their inability.

2. A lifetime of only 900 months, please live so that there is nothing to regret.

3. If you cannot die, you must live, and if you live, you must give up your soul.

4. If I don't try, then after a year I will be just like now, just getting old.

5. Stumble without standing up, waiting for someone to step on it!

Picture 1 of 20 sentences like slap in the face for those who choose to give up too soon

6. Don't choose to live comfortably in the years that can be tolerated.

7. If you can't make your parents proud, let them worry less.

8. Read books today, the next day you count money.

9. Don't forget that year you were a champion.

10. I don't dare to rest, because I don't have bank deposits. I do not dare to complain tired, because I have not made any achievements yet. I dare not rest, because I have to live. I can give up choosing, but I can't choose to give up. So, resilient, struggling is my only option.

Picture 2 of 20 sentences like slap in the face for those who choose to give up too soon

11. Learning to laugh at yourself will make you more comfortable.

12. If you do not try, others want to pull your hand up also do not know where your hand is.

13. Perhaps you think that one night you learned 50 new words is good, not knowing that people have passed through one level after another. Perhaps you think that every day you have to go to work 8 hours already tired to die, not knowing that there are people who have to do two jobs from early morning to late night. This world has never lacked people who tried, only lack of people who could endure to the end.

14. You have only one life, don't waste your time on those you don't like.

15. If you did not bring the umbrella, try to run quickly . Behind no one to stand back, absolutely cannot fall down! If you did not bring the box, try to run quickly .

Picture 3 of 20 sentences like slap in the face for those who choose to give up too soon

16. The more beautiful you try, the harder you are.

17. Try and regret, which is more painful?

18. I am sad because there are no shoes to go, until I meet someone who lacks both legs.

19. Three years of eating bread anyway, more than thirty years of eating bread.

Picture 4 of 20 sentences like slap in the face for those who choose to give up too soon

20. If you want a normal life, then you will encounter normal obstacles. If you want to live the best life, then you will definitely face the biggest difficulties. This world is very fair, you want the best, so you have to accept the most painful wounds. If you can overcome, you win; If not, then obediently go back to being a normal person! The so-called success is not about how smart you are, but that you can smile hard beyond the hardships.

See more:

  1. Deep Jewish sayings about life
  2. 8 sentences are both deep and absorbent, everyone should read to understand more about life
  3. 10 worthy words for you to choose as your living motto
Update 24 May 2019


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