10 sayings make every day your meaning

Here are some good words about life that will give you a whole new perspective to have a better life and make every day more meaningful.

I am a collector of good words.I love the feeling of finding a phrase, a sentence or just a few words that can change my perspective, broaden my vision and light a little light for my life.I have read a lot.That is the most important thing you can do with the time you have when sitting on the sofa, because reading provides the opportunity to reach the knowledge of all humanity accumulated over time.

Here are 10 sayings I have collected last time. As for me, they are very meaningful and I think you can learn something from them. Something good, long and right.

1. You must really participate in life

" There are no passengers on this Earth ship. We are all sailors " - Marshall Mcluhan.

No luck will suddenly appear without trying. When living on this planet, you can't just sit there, relax and hope the rest of the world will pay attention to everything for you. Life as a traveler, not contributing to this world, is a wasteful life.

I know many people who do not want to participate in life. They think life is just like a sports match, like something so they can stand up and watch. They are not the only ones who miss something - because they do not really set foot in life. Some of them are really talented and I know that we are "poorer" because of their lack of interest in life.

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No one is a passenger on the life train

2. Go on crying but cry for a good reason

" There are only three reasons to cry in life, because of what has been lost, for what has been found and for the wonderful things " - Douglas Coupland.

This is what makes us human, overwhelmed by emotions when we have to say goodbye, when we discover, experience new things and when really overwhelmed by miracles. When we cry for these things, we are truly living.
Things like: crying is nothing to be proud of, crying is a sign of weakness and that men never cry. It is the masculine style of the 19th century. Crying is fine. Crying good for health. But cry for good reasons.

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Cry for good reason

3. Don't try to leave yourself behind

" I think we still get the right advice is to more or less keep the relationship with us of the past, whether it is a compelling companion or not. If not, maybe" that person " will appear unannounced and surprise us, knock on our door at 4 am and ask me who abandoned them, who betrayed them and who had to compensate for it "- Joan Didion.

Even if you want, you can't really recreate yourself. Nobody can completely throw away their old version the way people upgrade a software. People are not like that. We are constantly changing and improving while retaining a part of ourselves. I think there's something very nice to remember about the clothes we used to wear, the books we read, the people who used to care and hurt them. When you stop remembering, you stop moving.

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Don't leave yourself behind

4. Take care of the people around you

" We're all in each other's houses " - Ram Dass.

We should care about the people around us, making sure we are still together. It is easy to forget that you are human and that is why people often do it. We hurt each other, betray each other, ignore each other, but that's not the way to live.

You need to step outside and interact with the rest of the world. With others. With other isolated souls. You can even do this via the Internet without having to step out of your home. Find someone and take them home.

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Pay attention to the people around you

5. Dreams are good, but life is more important

" Don't be lost in dreams but forget about life " - JK Rowling

You need to have dreams to help you move forward when things get worse. Dreams are motivation and encouragement, help you stand and walk on your feet. But spending too much time dreaming and forgetting about living in the present is also dangerous. Feel the pain, joy and everything around you.

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Do not let your dream take you too far from your present life

6. Stop being embarrassed about what you did

" I still find myself connected and sympathetic to everything I've ever done. There is no time in my life that I look back and say: I can't recognize that person " - Ian Mckaye.

Everyone has the same starting point, feeling bad for what they do. You learn, improve, improve and change little by little every day. That's how artists, writers, founders, scientists, developers or designers build their careers.

So when looking back on what you have done, don't feel embarrassed. Celebrate because you have improved, which shows how hard you tried to get yourself today.

7. Give yourself a belief

" Miracles are a way of escape and that's what makes it brilliant. If a soldier is captured by an enemy, do we think your mission is to escape? . If we determine the value of freedom of thought and freedom of soul, if we are the servants of freedom, then our mission is to escape and bring with us as many people as possible "- JRR Tolkien.

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Give yourself a belief

Fictional stories, transcriptions, miracles, miracles . all have their place in this world. The problem is not work, money, economics or STEM (short for Science - Technology - Engineering - Math industries, respectively Science - Technology - Engineer - Mathematics). Sometimes we also need to stop taking care of things around us and see more clearly about ourselves, at least a few moments each day.

After all, not every idea comes from autobiography or reports. A lot of ideas come from pure imagination and they are truly amazing. Do not underestimate them. Give yourself a belief.

8. Don't think too much

" Sometimes the questions are so complex that the answer is very simple " - Dr. Seus.

Many times, you don't need to worry, stress, analyze or think too much. Just take small steps and gradually complete the big picture. Things will be much more difficult and complicated when trying to solve them all at once, when what you really need to do is give a simple answer to the simplest part of the problem.

Sometimes the questions seem really complicated, but that's just because we make them so, because we didn't learn to look at those questions at the most basic level.

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Don't think too much, leave everything simple

9. Let each day pass

" Every day passes, let it pass. You have done what you can. There are some silly mistakes or unreasonable things, forget them as quickly as possible. Tomorrow is a new day. You can start the day with sincerity and a spirit of being ready to not get caught up by the old days gone by - "Ralph Waldo Emerson.

There are bad days. There are great days. There are days when you want to make it look like James Thurber and hide it in a box. But they all don't last forever, they end when you close your eyes and fall asleep. Your problem does not disappear the next morning but stress, pain and feelings of self-hate are possible.

You can't keep bad things forever, you have to learn to let go quickly, like when we let go of good things because of being too tired or like when happy moments pass by.

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Let each day pass

10. Think about the consequences

" The saddest thing about life is that science collects knowledge faster than the society that gathers wisdom " - Issac Asimov.

Because we can do everything, that does not mean that it is all we should do. For me, the quote above is for Jeff Goldblum in the Jurassic Park movie - scientists are too preoccupied with what they can do without stopping to wonder if they should do it.

The same thing can be applied to all walks of life. You need to think about the consequences for all your actions, how it can hurt yourself and others. Consider carefully the reason before throwing a stone at the water and trying to understand how the ripples will appear.

Author: Jon Westenberg

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