10 ways to harm our health

So what harm do the sugar cause to the body and cause it? Let's learn to have a reasonable diet to ensure health.

Sugar, an important source of energy for the body and also a food that is harmful to our health if used too much. But with sweet taste, it is difficult to refuse to refill them in daily meals.

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So what harm do the sugar cause to the body and cause it? Let's learn to have a reasonable diet to ensure health.

1. Sugar causes blood sugar to suddenly increase and decrease

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Eating a lot of sugar leads to unstable blood sugar, which causes tired bodies, headaches, mood swings, and craving for sweets. This condition is prolonged, making you more likely to become addicted to sugar , always having an appetite after eating a few hours, tired.

2. Roads that interfere with immune functions

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Sugar is a food source of bacteria and fungi. When we eat a lot of sugar, it creates a favorable environment for them to thrive and thrive. Since then, breaking the balance in the body makes us more susceptible to infections and more illnesses.

Besides, many animal studies have resulted in sugar inhibiting immune reactions. Although it has not been studied in humans, this result also makes us more alert to putting this food into our bodies.

3. Sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease

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The more foods you eat containing sugar, the higher your risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This is the result of many large-scale studies on high GI index foods (indicators that show a rapid effect on blood sugar). Studies have even shown a link between high GI meals and many types of cancer.

4. High sugar diet can cause chromium deficiency

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A loop paradox makes people unable to escape blood sugar imbalance.

Chromium is essential for glucose tolerance. It works with insulin to make glucose easier to enter the cell.

If you consume too much sugar and other refined carbohydrates that neglect chromium-rich foods, you may not get enough of this important micronutrient.

According to one study, up to 90% of Americans do not add enough chromium to the body.

5. Sugar causes tooth decay

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This harm of sugar must be well known. So how do sugar cause tooth decay?

When sugar comes into contact with teeth, it produces stronger corrosion with any other food. It is not good for oral health.

6. Sugar makes the aging process faster

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The more sugar you eat, the faster your aging rate will be. The sugar after being absorbed by the body enters the bloodstream and attaches itself to the protein that makes a new molecule, in a cycle called "glycation".

It is the structure of this newly created molecule that contributes to the loss of elasticity in aging tissues, from the skin to organs in the body and blood vessels that make you "older" faster.

7. Sugar can cause gum disease, which leads to heart disease

Scientists have provided evidence that chronic infections, including oral problems, play a role in the development of coronary artery disease. According to them, infections can be broadly associated with inflammatory reactions on the body.

8. Sugar causes high tension

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When blood sugar is low, stress hormones are released more similarly when we are in a stressful state.

For example, after we eat sweets, blood sugar rises sharply but very soon it will fall back quickly. At this time, the body starts producing hormones such as andrenaline, enpinephrine and cortisol.

These hormones work to increase blood sugar, providing the body with a rapid increase in energy. But these hormones also make us feel anxious, irritable and trembling.

9. Sugar affects behavior and awareness in children

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Researchers found that children had the same reactions to sugary drinks and artificial sweeteners. So they have not been able to determine how the road affects children's behavior.

What about learning ability of children? Between 1979 and 1983, New York City's 803 public schools reduced sugar, color, flavoring and preservatives from students' breakfast and lunch rates. After a period of time, the results of the new menu prevented the schools from being surprised, the child's ability to study in a national ranking increased by 15.7%. It is worth mentioning that the biggest improvement ever recorded in students is only 1.7%.

10. Sugar substitutes for important nutrients

When we consume a large amount of sugar, it will also reduce the consumption of other essential nutrients for the body such as vitamin A, vitamin C, folate. Vitamin B12, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron.

There is a fact that the most sugar consumers are the children and adolescents, who need the most nutrients to develop and improve their bodies.

Update 24 May 2019


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