10 best free Udemy courses

How do you choose the best Udemy classes for free when there are more than 80,000 online courses to choose from? Here are a few steps to take, if you are only interested in free courses

How do you choose the best Udemy classes for free when there are more than 80,000 online courses to choose from? Here are a few steps to take, if you are only interested in free courses:

  1. Decide your topic.
  2. Use Udemy menu to view the details of the categories.
  3. Search for courses with relevant keywords in Search Bar (search bar).
  4. Click the All Filters button on the search results page.
  5. Apply Free filter .

After that, it only takes a few minutes to choose carefully to find the course with the best ranking and the highest number of registrations. Use the video preview to check if you like the instructor's way of teaching. Comments can also be a decision to the quality of any course.

Use these steps to find the best free Udemy courses. Many leading courses are about technology topics. Here are 10 of the best free Udemy courses.

10 best free Udemy courses

  1. 1. Before you program: Programming 101
  2. 2. Learn about programming Python: Introduction to Python Programming
  3. 3. Learn about Machine learning: The Top 5 Machine Learning Libraries in Python
  4. 4. Learn about Data Science: Introduction to Data Science Using Python
  5. 5. Introduction to Cloud Computing: AWS Concepts
  6. 6. Learn about SQL in brief: Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying
  7. 7. Learn your first programming language: Javascript Essentials
  8. 8. Create video game: Introduction to Unity for Absolute Beginners
  9. 9. Participate in business class: Introduction to Project Management
  10. 10. Hyperthinking: Improve Your Day to Day Learning & Creativity

1. Before you program: Programming 101

Picture 1 of 10 best free Udemy courses

Suppose you are a beginner. You have decided to check the logical side of the brain. So start with the basic tools. This course does not teach you any programming languages, but instead introduces you to the journey ahead. Like everything else, a programmer needs to be sure and always remember some basic principles.

Also, check out the Pre-Programming course: if you need to know before you code, if you are looking for a discount course.

2. Learn about programming Python: Introduction to Python Programming

Picture 2 of 10 best free Udemy courses

Machine learning is a very hot topic. But you cannot use machine learning unless you know how to program. Learn the basics yourself with this free guide. Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world, ranked first by IEEE Spectrum in 2017.

It's also very flexible, because you can use Python to build web applications and desktop applications if you don't want to go into machine learning. The Introduction to Python Programming course includes the basics and does not require any previous programming experience.

3. Learn about Machine learning: The Top 5 Machine Learning Libraries in Python

Picture 3 of 10 best free Udemy courses

As mentioned, machine learning is forming our lives. So, grasp the basics before you dive into machine learning and AI. They relate to each other and involve a range of specific techniques that allow machines to study data and make predictions.

Udemy has a great list of courses about great machine learning. But the course The Top 5 Machine Learning Libraries in Python is a useful and completely free suggestion. For example, there are 6 lectures for Scikit-Learn, Python library of gold standards for machine learning in general and include many common algorithms used in projects.

4. Learn about Data Science: Introduction to Data Science Using Python

Picture 4 of 10 best free Udemy courses

Data science uses statistical tools to extract patterns in large data sets. It is similar to artificial intelligence and machine learning, because smart algorithms are designed to learn more about the world around us. If you want to be a data scientist, the skills you need will include Python, R, Hadoop and SQL. Let's start with this basic course (the first part of the series) and it will definitely attract your attention.

Also, consider paid data science courses on Udemy, if you decide to go into this area.

5. Introduction to Cloud Computing: AWS Concepts

Picture 5 of 10 best free Udemy courses

If cloud services are present and future, Amazon Web Services is a pioneer. Amazon offers a training and certification roadmap for learning practical skills to help manage clouds for large businesses. There are a number of niche areas such as cloud architecture, container and docker technology, even cloud backup and disaster recovery.

This free Udemy course from Linux Academy may be the first step to collecting basic concepts. To make it easier, there are no technical explanations or definitions to remember. The course is very intuitive and basic.

6. Learn about SQL in brief: Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying

Picture 6 of 10 best free Udemy courses

One piece of information somewhere says that a data analyst who doesn't know SQL won't be able to go far. But you don't need to look that far; Database review is the core element of any business today. Structured Query Language (SQL) is how you communicate with the database. With SQL, you can track data and create your own reports, instead of relying on the technical department. You can even use SQL with Microsoft Excel.

This is an introductory course on databases and SQL queries. It is a simple guide to SQL queries and how you can extract from a database. It is just a simple introduction for people who have no knowledge of SQL.

7. Learn your first programming language: Javascript Essentials

Picture 7 of 10 best free Udemy courses

Want to be comfortable in a distant country? So learn the language of that country. Want to be a good developer on the web? Let's learn JavaScript. It is like a "default" language (along with Java and C ++) if you want to go in any direction. TechRepublic cites research from the Cloud Foundry Foundation as follows:

'According to research, Java is used in 58% of organizations. The study was conducted on 601 respondents and 57% of them used JavaScript. '

The last StackOverflow Developer Survey, and many other surveys, also show that JavaScript is the most popular programming language. This basic course will not only show you how JavaScript works, but also teach you how to implement a small project.

If you want to try another free JavaScript course, learn Learn JavaScript for Web Development.

8. Create video game: Introduction to Unity for Absolute Beginners

Picture 8 of 10 best free Udemy courses

Unity is a complete software application for game development. An integrated development environment (IDE) like Unity is an easy way to design your own game. The more difficult way is to learn the 'tricks' of programming languages ​​like C ++ and Java from scratch. Unity provides you with many resources to develop the game along with a code editor. Therefore, the workflow is much easier.

This free Udemy course will show you the workflow, from the installation process to the process of controlling game objects with code. Some programming experiences will be helpful, but not necessary. In addition, this course is updated for 2018 with a partial view at the end.

9. Participate in business class: Introduction to Project Management

Picture 9 of 10 best free Udemy courses

Regardless of any industry, management skills will definitely be useful. If you are good at project management, you will also learn how to cope with risk management, change and even people. These are priceless soft skills in today's competitive environment.

More than 100,000 students are taking this course. Although you may not want to become a project manager, please join this course anyway. It can give you some details about your own productivity.

10. Hyperthinking: Improve Your Day to Day Learning & Creativity

Picture 10 of 10 best free Udemy courses

Hard skills are like bricks, while soft skills are like mortar. You may be embarrassed at work, if you don't develop soft skills like dialectical thinking and problem solving. Today, technology-related work also needs creativity and design thinking. Perhaps some of these soft skills will help every job currently undertaken by humans do not fall into the hands of robots in the future.

As the world changes every day, this course will give you some super-fast tools that can help you create a situation and think about it in a new way. With these dialectical thinking tools, you can cope with challenges more confidently.

Of course, the best free Udemy courses in this article are not all. There are many other things that are also appreciated. The word "best" here is relative and you will find your own choices when you pass the course list. Free Udemy courses are a basic introduction to the subjects you care about. They don't bring any risk and the only investment is time.

Remember that online learning according to your needs depends a lot on self-discipline. So keep these tips in mind when you start a course.

Good luck!

See more:

  1. Coursera's top 10 free online courses help you be more successful
  2. Udemy's top 5 JavaScript courses
  3. Online courses on artificial intelligence (AI), certification
Update 25 May 2019


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