10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

Here are the planes with the strangest design, even to the point of 'crazy' that makes many people wonder and wonder 'why can these strange planes be produced?'.

Bartini Beriev VVA 14

Picture 1 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

Picture 2 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

This is the Soviet vertical take-off seaplane of the 70s. With a strange combination of aircraft parts, submarines and marine equipment, Bartini Beriev VVA 14 surprised many people when see its appearance.

Caproni CA 60

Picture 3 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

This strangely designed plane is a seaplane made in Italy in 1921. This 'flying plane' has up to 9 wings, 8 sets of engines. The Caproni CA 60 crashed during its first flight test in 1921 and the project was later cancelled.

Curtiss-Wright VZ-7

Picture 4 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

Picture 5 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

This flying vehicle is a combination of an airplane and a Jeep, designed by aeronautical engineer Glenn Curtis in 1917. This can be considered the world's first truly flying car. It is equipped with a 100-horsepower engine.

De Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle

Picture 6 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

This type of flying platform was invented by the US military in 1955. It can fly up to 112.6km/h. But because it was too prone to accidents, the US authorities abandoned the project to develop it.

Edgley Optica

Picture 7 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

Picture 8 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

The Edgley Optica is a British light aircraft model that combines a helicopter and a fixed-wing aircraft. The aircraft is designed with the purpose of serving observation from above and is a cheap alternative to helicopters.

Grumman X-29

Picture 9 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

Grumman X-29 has a very strange configuration, is an American attempt to put the "forward-swept wing" into practice in the 1970s of the last century. The "paradoxical" design makes the X-29 aerodynamically unstable as well as the requirements of a fighter, so it is only at the test level.

Hafner Rotabuggy

Picture 10 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

The device is a combination of an airplane and a Jeep Willy made in the UK. Hafner Rotabuggy has a weird design that makes it look like it's in a cartoon.

Picture 11 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

Hafner Rotabuggy is designed with the purpose of transporting military equipment to the front lines as well as helping the air force move easier and faster. In 1944, the project to build this model was canceled before it was put into production.

Lockheed Martin P-791

Picture 12 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

This flying vehicle is an aerodynamic and aerodynamic hybrid airship that was introduced in 2006. The Lockheed Martin P-791 is designed to be a vehicle for transporting goods to remote locations.

Lun class MD-160 Ekranoplane

Picture 13 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

Picture 14 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

This is a "very confusing" aircraft in terms of appearance when it has a unique combination of ships and aircraft. This flying vehicle possesses huge size and impressive firepower including 6 3M-80 Moskit supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles with advanced tracking and guidance systems, 2 twin 23mm PI-23 cannons. with 2,400 bullets.

NASA Ames-Dryden AD-1

Picture 15 of 10 aircraft with the most 'craziest' design in history

The NASA AD-1 is an aircraft model in the experimental program of wing technology that tilts from 0 to 60 degrees during flight. The wing part of the NASA Ames-Dryden AD-1 can rotate instead of being fixed like other aircraft models to help NASA test the aerodynamics of a rotating wing.

Update 19 July 2022


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