Word Shortcut Keys- Useful shortcut Keys on Microsoft Word
Here are the keyboard shortcuts useful when using Microsoft Word versions 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016:
Ctrl + N: Create a new document.
Ctrl + O: Open the document.
Ctrl + S: Save the document.
Ctrl + C: Copy text.
Ctrl + X: Cut selected content.
Ctrl + V: Paste text.
Ctrl + F: Turn on the search dialog.
Ctrl + H: Turn on replacement dialog.
Ctrl + P: Turn on the print dialog.
Ctrl + Z: Return the status of the text before executing the last command.
Ctrl + Y: Restore current state of document before executing Ctrl + Z command.
Ctrl + F4, Ctrl + W, Alt + F4: Close document, close Microsoft Word window.
Ctrl + B: Bold format.
Ctrl + D: Open the font formatting dialog box.
Ctrl + I: Italic formatting.
Ctrl + U: Underline format.
Ctrl + E: Center the selected text.
Word Shortcut Keys- Useful shortcut Keys on Microsoft Word Picture 1
Ctrl + J: Align selected text.
Ctrl + L: Left-align the selected text.
Ctrl + R: Right-aligns selected text.
Ctrl + M: Text indentation format.
Ctrl + Shift + M: Delete indent formatting.
Ctrl + T: Indent the second line or more of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + T: Delete paragraph indentation from 2 onwards.
Ctrl + Q: Delete paragraph alignment formatting.
Shift + ->: Select one character after.
Shift +
Ctrl + Shift + ->: Select one word behind.
Ctrl + Shift +
Shift +: Select one row above.
Shift + (down arrow): selects a row below
Ctrl + A: Select all objects, text, slides depending on where the cursor is standing.
Backspace (->): Delete one front character.
Ctrl + Backspace (<-): Delete one word in front.
Ctrl + Delete: Delete one word behind.
Ctrl + Arrow: Move through 1 character.
Ctrl + Home: Go to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + End: Go to the last position in the document.
Ctrl + Shift + Home: Select from current position to beginning of text.
Ctrl + Shift + End: Select from current position to the end of the text.
Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy the formatting of the data that needs to be copied.
Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste the copied formatting into the selected data area.
Shift + Tab: Move to the selection, the selection group is in front.
Ctrl + Tab: Move to the next tab in the dialog box.
Shift + Tab: Move to the front tab in the dialog box.
Shift + Tab: Move to and select the contents of the adjacent cell.
Ctrl + Shift + F8 + arrow keys: Extend the selection by block.
Shift + F8: reduce the size of the selection block by block.
Alt + Home: Go to the first cell of the current line.
Alt + End: Go to the last cell of the current line.
Alt + Page up: Go to the first cell of the column.
Alt + Page down: Go to the last cell of the column.
F1: Help.
F2: move text or image. (Select pictures, press F2, click destination, press Enter.
F3: Insert text automatically (corresponding to the Insert menu - AutoText).
F4: Repeat last action.
F5: Execute Goto command (corresponding to menu Edit - Goto).
F6: Move to the next panel or frame.
F7: Perform spell check commands (menu Tools - Spellings and Grammars respectively).
F8: Expand the selection.
F9: Updates for the currently selected fields.
F10: Activates the command menu bar.
F11: Move to the next school.
F12: Execute a save command with a different name (File - Save As menu corresponds to .).
Shift + F1: Display the help cursor directly on the objects.
Shift + F2: Quickly copy text.
Shift + F3: Convert uppercase to lowercase characters.
Shift + F4: Repeat the action of Find, Goto.
Shift + F5: Move to the position with the latest change in text.
Shift + F6: Move to the front panel or frame.
Shift + F7: Perform a command to find synonyms (corresponding menu Tools - Thesaurus).
Shift + F8: Collapse the selection.
Shift + F9: Toggle between the code and the result of a field in the text.
Shift + F10: Display a context menu (corresponding to right click on objects in the document).
Shift + F11: Move to the adjacent front field.
Shift + F12: Perform command to save document (corresponding to File - Save or Ctrl + S combination).
Ctrl + F2: Print preview command (File - Print Preview respectively).
Ctrl + F3: Cut a Spike.
Ctrl + F4: Close the text window (does not close the Microsoft Word window).
Ctrl + F5: Restore the size of the text window.
Ctrl + F6: Move to the next text window.
Ctrl + F7: Perform the move command on the system menu.
Ctrl + F8: Perform the command to resize the window on the system menu.
Ctrl + F9: Insert a blank field.
Ctrl + F10: Maximize the text window.
Ctrl + F11: Lock a field.
Ctrl + F12: Execute a document to open (File - Open, or Ctrl + O).
Ctrl + Shift + F3: Insert content for Spike.
Ctrl + Shift + F5: Edit a bookmark.
Ctrl + Shift + F6: Move to the front text window.
Ctrl + Shift + F7: Update text from linked source documents (such as source text in mail merge).
Ctrl + Shift + F8: Extend selection and block.
Ctrl + Shift + F9: Unlink to a field.
Ctrl + Shift + F10: Activate the bar.
Ctrl + Shift + F11: Unlock a field.
Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print a print job (File - Print, or Ctrl + P)
Alt + F1: Move to the next field.
Alt + F3: Create a word automatically for the currently selected word.
Alt + F4: Quit Microsoft Word.
Alt + F5: Restore window size.
Alt + F7: Find the next spelling and grammar mistakes in the text.
Alt + F8: Run a marco.
Alt + F9: Switch between code and the result of all fields.
Alt + F10: Maximize the window of Ms Word.
Alt + F11: Display the Visual Basic command prompt.
Alt + Shift + F1: Move to the front field.
Alt + Shift + F2: Perform the text save command (Ctrl + S, respectively).
Alt + Shift + F9: Run the command GotoButton or MarcoButton from the results of the fields in the text.
Alt + Shift + F11: Display code.
Ctrl + Alt + F1: Display system information.
Ctrl + Alt + F2: Execute a document to open (Ctrl + O, respectively).
You should read it
- Useful keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word (Part 3)
- How to add and edit shortcuts in Word 2013
- Microsoft finally adds the Paste Text Only shortcut in Word
- Copy and move text in MS Word with F2 key
- How to set up shortcuts on Microsoft Word 2016 yourself
- Useful keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word (Part 2)
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- Invaluable Word shortcuts when processing text
- Windows 10 is about to change the keyboard layout easily with Keyboard Shortcut Manager
- Shortcuts in Word
- Common keyboard shortcuts in WORD you need to know.
- How to Center Text on Microsoft Word