Will Gold Shovel disappear during DTCL market trip 10.3?

The gold shovel will officially disappear during the shopping round in the upcoming DTCL 10.3, so it will appear in which tournament you can see in this article.

The Truth Arena 2 season will end when season 3 comes out. As announced in previous posts, Season 3 DTCL will debut somewhere in March 2020 with new generals, equipment and clans for autobattle.

From now until then, maybe the DTCL development team is not making changes that could be said to be noticeable with Season 2 anymore. There are only minor adjustments that every update has to keep the meta game flexible.

Picture 1 of Will Gold Shovel disappear during DTCL market trip 10.3?

But soon, there will be a small change but greatly affect the meta game. That's what the Golden Shovel will officially disappear during the general selection round, or the round of shopping.

This is considered to be one of the most important items in the Arena of Truth in any update. Because it can provide the squad gamers with a clan synergy buff even though there are not enough slot heroes.

Or you can add a champion slot to your squad with Natural Armor in hand, how When the owner kills or participates in defeating an enemy, they are added 15 Attack Damage until the fight. At the end, the effect can stack BF Sword + Wooden Bow = Ỷ Heavenly Sword> Owners will have a chance to receive an additional 100% critical damage chance every second they pass. BF Sword + Net Armor = Angel Armor> Revive with 300 health BF Sword + Silver Cloak = Blood Sword> Heal for 50% of attack damage BF Sword + Goddess Tears = Spear Shojin> When using skill will receive an additional 20% hit BF Sword + Practice Gloves = Infinity Sword> Increases critical strike chance to 125 BF Sword + Gold Shovel = Ghost Sword Youmuu> The owner of the champion is also a BF Sword Killer + Giant Belt = Zeke Flag> At the beginning of a match, nearby champions receive 15% attack speed. Needlessly Large Rod (Add 20% skill damage) Needlessly Large Rod + BF Sword = Hextech Gun Sword> Heals 25% of the damage done causing Needlessly Large Rod + Wooden Bow = Guinsoo's Rage> Each basic attack increases 5% attack speed. Infinite Stacking Effect + Needlessly Large Rod + Needlessly Large Rod = Witch Hat Rabadon> Increases magic power by 75% + Needlessly Large Rod + Tear of the Goddess = Echo of Luden> Skill that deals 180 bonus damage spread per blow fight on. Needlessly Large Rod + Net Armor = Iron Solari Chains> At the start of the match, nearby allies will have 300 armor for 8 seconds. Needlessly Large Rod + Negatron Cloak = Ionic Lightning> Every time an enemy uses a skill, he takes 125 damage. Needlessly Large Rods + Giant Belt = Devil's Letter Morello> Skills burn up enemies, dealing damage equal to 10% of maximum health per second. Needlessly Large Rod + Golden Shovel = Inferno Ruins> Fire-proclaimed champion with an Oversized Stick Staff + Practice Gloves = Gloves of Gemstones> Critical skill that can kill Wood Bow (Plus 20% attack speed) Combine Bow and Bow + BF = Ỷ Heavenly Sword> Owners will have a chance to receive an additional 100% critical damage chance every second they pass. Wooden Bows + Wooden Bows = General Cannon Cannons> Increases the damage damage doubled by Wooden Bows + Needlessly Large Rod = Guinsoo's Rage> Each attack usually gains 5% increased attack speed. Infinite effect stack of Wood Bow + Tear of the Goddess = Statikk Electric Knife> From the 3rd attack onwards will deal 100 magic damage. Wooden Bow + Chain Armor = Steadfast Spirit> When an owner takes damage or critically damages, they are increased by 2% damage, maximum 100%. When reaching 50 communists, the champion possesses an increase of 25 Magic Resist and Armor and also his own size. Redo in every new round. Wooden Bow + Giant Belt = Ax of the Great Snake> Basic attacks deal 10% health as damage spreads Archery Wood + Negatron Cloak = Petal> Basic attacks attack an enemy near the main target for 100% Damage. Wooden Bow + Gauntlet Tap = Blue Bow> Critical strikes reduce target's armor by 90% for 3 seconds, no stacking. Net Armor + Silver Cloak + Gods Tears how to match dtcl season 2 Armor Armor (Increases 20 armor) Matching formula Armor Net Armor + Net Armor = Cloak Hemp> Prevent additional damage from critical hits . When hit, usually deals 80/120/160 (1/2/3 stars) magic damage to all surrounding enemies (once per second). Net Armor + Giant Belt = Red Charm> Champion's basic attack burns the opponent, dealing true damage equal to 20% of an enemy's maximum health for 10 seconds. Also reduces healing by 80% during incineration. Net Armor + Goddess Tears = Ice Heart> 20% attack speed reduction for any enemies near Net Armor + Needlessly Large Rod = Iron Solari Chains> At the beginning of the match, nearby allies will have 300 armor in 8 seconds. Net Armor + Gold Shovel = Armor Guard> Hero owned also belongs to Guardian. Net Armor + Silver Cloak = Fear Sword> Strikes that have a disarming rate Armor Power Armor + Wooden Bow = Magic Twin Sword> When the owner takes damage or critically damage, they are increased by 2% up to 100%. When reaching 50 communists, the champion possesses an increase of 25 Magic Resist and Armor and also his own size. Redo in every new round. Net Armor + Sword BF = Angel Armor> Upon death, allied champions are removed from all attack effects and respawn with 400 health after 2 seconds. Trigger effect only once in a round. Net Armor + Practice Gloves = Band Gloves> When dodging attacks, the owner creates an expandable slow area that reduces the opponent's attack speed by 35%. Silver Cloak (Increases 25 Magic Resist) Recipe Recipe Silver Cloak Silver Cloak + Silver Cloak = Dragon Claw> Receive an additional 50% Silver Cloak Magic Resistance + BF Sword = Blood Sword> Heal for 50% damage Silver Cloak + Needlessly Large Rod = Ion Lightning> Inflicts damage to enemies when they use the Silver Cloak + Wood Bow = Violent skill> Basic attacks attack an enemy near the main target 100% damage. Silver Cloak + Needlessly Large Rod = Ionic Lightning> Every time an enemy uses a skill, he takes 125 damage. Silver Cloak + Net Armor = Crash Sword> Basic attacks have a 33% chance of causing Enemy to be Disarmed for 4 seconds, making them impossible to attack normally. Silver Cloak + Goddess Tears = Silent Knife> Basic attacks have a 33% chance of silencing the target, making them unable to gain additional energy for 4 seconds. Silver Cloak + Giant Belt = Wind Sword> At the start of a fight, an enemy is silenced for 5 seconds in a symmetrical position with the enemy. Silver Cloak + Gauntlet Gloves = Alchemy Scarf> The owner is resistant to crowd control effects, shields heal every 3 seconds. Goddess Tears (Increases 20 Mana) Recipe Tears of Goddess Tears + Sword BF = Spear Shojin> When using skills will receive 20% more of Tears of Goddess + Wooden Bow = Electric Knife Statikk> From the 3rd attack onwards will deal 100 magic damage. Goddess Tears + Goddess Tears = Ambassador's Scepter> Regenerates 20 energy each time one cast an ability. Goddess Tears + Net Armor = Heart Ice> Reduces 20% attack speed for any enemies near Goddess Tears + Silver Cloak = Silent Knife> Basic attacks have a 33% chance to silence items targets, making them unable to receive additional energy for 4 seconds. Goddess Tears + Giant Belt = Chain of Atonement> When a champion uses 25% health, creates an area to restore 1200 health to all allies in it after 2.5 seconds. Goddess Tears + Golden Shovel = Wizard's Hat> Mage belongs to the Wizarding System. Goddess Tears + Practice Gloves = Justice Hand> At the beginning of the game, champions who use it will receive random effects, increase 40% damage or heal 40 per hit until the end of that round. Giant's Belt, Gold's Shovel, Dtcl's Gauntlet Practice training equipment equipped with Giant's Belt (Increases 20 health) Giant's Graft Belt Giant's Belt + Gold Shovel = Hammer Ice> Ownership belongs to the Kingdom of Giant Belt + Bow Wood = Ax Mahogany> Basic attack deals 10% health as lanes and spreads Giant Belt + Cloak of Silver = Wind Sword> At the start of a fight, an enemy will be restrained for 5 seconds based on the opposing location match the enemy. Giant Belt + Needlessly Large Rod = Devil's Morello> Skills burn up enemies, dealing damage equal to 10% of maximum health per second. Giant's Belt + Giant's Belt = Warmog's Blood Armor> Heroes can recover 6% of their missing Health per second, up to 400 health per second. Giant Belt + BF Sword = Zeke Flag> At the beginning of a match, nearby champions receive 15% attack speed. Giant's Belt + Net Armor = Red Charm> The champion's basic attack burns the opponent, dealing true damage equal to 20% of the enemy's maximum health for 10 seconds. Also reduces healing by 80% during incineration. Giant Belt + Gauntlet Tap = Claw Trap> Owners will start the round with a shield. Enemies who break this shield will be stunned. Gold Shovel (Used to assemble equipment for buff effects, along with a small number of buffs) Gold Shovel Gold Recipe Recipe + Gold Abyss Stick => Ruin of Hell (+ 40% Skill Damage.) . Equipped champions will be elemental Fire. Gold Shovel + Silver Cloak => Light Charm, equipped champion possesses the element Light. Gold Shovel + Fighting Gloves => Battle of Hammer (+ 20% Crit chance, + 20% Dodge.). The hero belongs to the Battle of Heroes. Gold Shovel + Tear of the Goddess => Wizard's Hat (+40 Energy). The generals belong to the Wizard system. Gold Shovel + Chain Armor => Bodyguard (+40 Armor.). General owned by the Guardian. Gold Shovel + Sword FB => Ghost Sword Youmuu (+30 Attack Damage). The hero belongs to the Assassin system. Gold Shovel + Wooden Bow => Sword of the Unknown King (+ 40% Attack Speed). The hero belongs to the Swordsman system. Gold Shovel + Giant Belt => Ice Hammer (+400 Health). Champion owned by the Kingdom of Gauntlet Tapes (+ 10% Crit chance and + 10% Evasion) Gauntlet of Gauntlet Tap Gauntlet Episode + Sword BF = Infinity Sword> Increase critical chance to 125 Gauntlets Tap + Needlessly Large Rods = Gauntlet Gloves> Critical hero skills that can critically Combat Gloves + Tears of Goddess = Justice Hand> At the beginning of the game, the champion that uses it will randomly receive effects, increasing 40 % damage or heal 40 per attack until the end of that round. Gauntlet + Giant Belt = Claw Trap> The owner will start the round with a shield. Enemies who break this shield will be stunned. Gang Gloves + Gold Shovel => Battle of Hammer, a champion owned by the War System. Practice Gloves + Wooden Bow = Blue Bow> Critical strikes reduce target's armor by 90% for 3 seconds, not stacking. Gym Gloves + Mesh Armor = Ice Gloves> When dodging attacks, the owner creates an expandable slow area that reduces the opponent's attack speed by 35%. Training Gloves + Silver Cloak = Wizarding Towel> The owner is resistant to crowd control effects, shields heal every 3 seconds. Gang Gloves + Gold Shovel => Battle of Hammer, a champion owned by the War System. Some notes High-class equipment cannot be removed into 2 basic equipment.The effect of each item will be restored after each round (for example, the ability of the Angel Armor's revival or the stacks of Entire) A champion can possess 2, 3 of the same high-class equipment, and their effects will be stacked. Above is the matching map in the Arena of Truth season 2 current, based on this you can know which equipment is assembled from which basic equipment. From there can better map for the general in battle. Friday, January 10, 2020 14:25 4.7 ★ 41

Update 04 February 2020


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