Why are humans the most violent primates?

Compared to most other primates, humans are the most violent animals.

Compared to most other primates , humans who possess many bad habits can harm their own or themselves. Therefore, humans are said to be the most " violent " animals.

Why do humans kill each other? That is the question that has been asked for millennia. According to a recent study, " At least there is an answer, that humanity evolves, evolving into a particularly violent branch of animal family plants ."

Picture 1 of Why are humans the most violent primates?
Iraq - where the battle takes place.Photo source: ChameleonsEye |Shutterstock

" From " extremely lovely "lemurs to extremely" cunning "chimpanzees, then" big "gorillas, the order of mammal primates - including humans - often kill the "animals" of the same species are nearly six times more than the average number of other mammals "- researchers in Spain have found.

Whales rarely kill each other, similar to bats and rabbits. Some animals like cats and dogs sometimes " kill " other animals of the same species. For example, when fighting for territory or partner. However, most primates often use " lethal " violence with greater frequency than other animal groups, sometimes even slaughtering to death the close members of the flock. organized attacks.

According to results published on September 28, the scientists determined: " People exhibit a level of deadly aggression similar to that of primates. Humans treat violence with each other is like most other primates and we have witnessed many "dawn" of mankind " .

" That doesn't mean that we can't change our behavior, " the scientists said.

Picture 2 of Why are humans the most violent primates?

In a comprehensive study, scientific researchers - led by Spain's Higher Council for Scientific Research ( CSIC) José María Gómez , analyzed data of more than 4 million deaths, including members of 1,024 mammal species from 137 classify families, including about 600 total people, from about 50,000 years ago. The researchers determined the amount of lethal violence in these species.

The researchers calculated that about 2% of deaths are caused by interpersonal violence - a number consistent with the observed value in prehistoric humans such as Neanderthals and most other primates.

" [This is a level] violence we should only consider specific cases in the evolutionary mammalian family tree. Compared to other primates, humans are not violent one. " Gómez answered with Live Science .

Picture 3 of Why are humans the most violent primates?

However, humans are not as violent as other mammals, the level of human lethal violence often changes abnormally in history - from low levels during nomadic to higher levels when robbed. successfully peeled and conquered, to a lesser degree in civilized society.

" To think positively, this means that human culture can affect our evolutionary genetic level of lethal violence ," the researchers said. " In other words, we can control our behavioral tendency towards violence - but to understand deeply, it may be better than other primates ."

" This is a favorable study to find important results in order to be able to identify the previous 'killer gibbon' of humanity ," said Douglas Fry , professor and head of Anthropology at the University. The Alabama school in Birmingham said. Professor Fry points to previous ideas, given by researchers, including Harvard University's Evolutionary Psychology and author Steven Pinker , " Today's human violence much more popular than human ancestors in previous epochs . "

Picture 4 of Why are humans the most violent primates?

" Using an innovative approach, put into the human context, 'lethal attack' of the mammalian group, Dr. Gomez and his colleagues proved that the recent assertions of Steven Pinker and others about the Stone Age violent deaths are more frightening and greatly exaggerated ", Fry - an expert on human evolution - who does not participate in new research. said.

" However, other experts have noted limitations in data. For example, there may be an available assessment of the violent death of prehistoric people due to lack of legal evidence, as well as difficulties. in comparing different data on the life and death of mammals, "said Richard Wrangham , a professor of humanities at Harvard University, who studied the origins of human war - people do not participate in new research.

Picture 5 of Why are humans the most violent primates?

Wrangham said he doubted that people treated each other more violently than what the study showed.

" Certainly, the cultural origin changes through society according to the killings of adults, but as a species - we belong to a group of primates that kill people at extremely high speeds. That's not to say that people are "normal" in the level of lethal violence . People are really special "- Wrangham answered Live Science.

Gómez said: " Ironically, human violence can be a result of society, as in other groups, aimed at protecting themselves or otherwise being safe and maintaining resources. " .

" Territorial and social animals show significantly higher lethal values ​​of violence than mammals that live alone and do not have their own territory. This is something to be discovered in the future. "Gómez said.

Update 24 May 2019


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