Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ...

Animals also have feelings, love and suffering, and sometimes even more humane expressions than our own.

Animals also have feelings, love and suffering, and sometimes even more humane expressions than our own.

1. Elephants can mourn for fellow humans for many years

Many studies have shown that elephants mourn for their fellow humans for months when the individuals close to it unfortunately die.

Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 1Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 1

Even many years later, every time they pass through the place where their fellows lay down, they still stop 'reciting' for a few minutes and then continue on.

2. Chimpanzees may be sympathetic

Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 2Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 2

A study in Nature in 2017 showed that chimpanzees have behaviors that show empathy, sharing and understanding of human emotions - similar to humans.

For example, chimpanzees can get close to the loser after a conflict to comfort them.

3. The mouse can express facial expressions

Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 3Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 3

Similar to humans, rats are also capable of expressing emotions in many ways, according to a study from McGill University (Canada).

They have many different expressions when in pain and the evidence shows that they use those expressions to know what others are thinking. In the same way that humans recognize each other's emotions through facial expressions.

4. Dolphins can say love (talking in new words)

Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 4Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 4

Talking during sleep or dreaming is a common phenomenon among us. However, dolphins also have this ability. According to scientists, dolphins at Planète Sauvage Aquarium (France) can emit a sound that mimics whales when they are sleeping. The theory is that during the day the dolphins hear the whale, while performing for visitors to watch. They recorded whale sounds and automatically emitted when sleeping.

5. Cats also feel sad and then they will . eat a lot

Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 5Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 5

Many people will often eat more when stressed, leading to uncontrolled weight loss. And cats too, when upset, worried or stressed, tend to eat more.

6. Mouse can drive a car

Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 6Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 6

A study from the University of Richmond (USA) shows that mice can completely . drive (of course, the car is the right size for them). They can steer and control their travel speed well.

7. Dogs can enjoy music

Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 7Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 7

A study conducted by the University of Glasgow (Scotland) shows that rock music can help dogs relieve stress, help the heart beat lighter, while classical music can help them become calmer and softer. .

8. Monkey knows share

Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 8Animals can be surprisingly humanoid: rats can drive, dolphins dream ... Picture 8

According to the findings of the primates at Yerkes Primate Research Center (USA), the ability of cooperation of monkeys is stronger than we thought. Not only do they work together to find food, but they also share the results according to each member's efforts. Of course, this division may be disproportionate, but this is evidence that they have the ability to empathize, know what kind of people want and need.

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