Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat

In order to survive, animals must participate in mortal battles, eat predators or even eat their own flesh but the most frightening is to eat yourself.

We still know, the wildlife world is extremely harsh, in order to survive, animals must participate in life-and-death fights, eat predators or even eat their own flesh. .

But the most frightening thing is to eat yourself. It sounds very scary, "ridiculous", and contrary to nature, but this horror phenomenon is quite common in many animals.

Let's find out what causes some animals to have this gruesome action to know how cruel the natural world is.

1. Eat a part of your body to defend yourself

A tiger with a front leg was discovered in Tesso Nilo National Park in Sumatra Island (Indonesia) in 2007. Many said that the tiger had to chew its own feet to escape the hunt. human.

Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 1Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 1
The one-legged tiger was discovered in Sumatra

This phenomenon is also commonly encountered in some other species such as monkeys, bears, dogs. They have to "cut" a part of their body to live, to save themselves when trapped.

2. Eat your brain to develop

This terrifying animal is a sea squirt that lives throughout the oceans.

Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 2Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 2 Larvae of pepper

When born, the pepper is just a tiny larva with a tadpole-like shape that has enough eyes, brain and tail. Their body composition consists of only one nerve bundle that runs along the spine, the front has the brain pocket, light sensing organs and gravity.

Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 3Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 3 Seaweed is mature

After the larvae attach the body to a fixed surface and undergo the process of transforming into a mature seaweed, they do not need those parts, so they feed on themselves, except the brain bag has developed into a brain to support assist in digesting food.

3. Eat yourself because you think you are prey

A scary confusion occurs in snakes.

Snakes use the ability to sense body heat to hunt. In which some species also combine with wagging their tails to attract prey, this action sometimes makes them confuse their tails as bait and plunge into "hitting the cup".

Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 4Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 4

If the smell of some prey remains on the snake's body, it will make them confused, they swallow their own tail and think they are swallowing their prey.

The snake's own self-feeding behavior is not intentional behavior and this disastrous mistake can stem from the habit of swallowing their fellow humans.

4. Eat the placenta

This action is often encountered in mammals, they often eat the placenta and amniotic fluid after birth.

According to Professor Mark Kristal of Buffalo University, New York (USA), eating the placenta after birth can be a method of postpartum pain relief, especially in rodents.

Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 5Decipher the mysterious horror phenomenon: Animals eat their own meat Picture 5 Cats feed on their own placenta after birth

According to one study, the phenomenon of human placenta feeding is relatively rare and has no benefits such as increased milk production, reduced depression after birth or resuscitation as rumors.

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