Who can answer this question: 'How many holes are there in the human body?'

Don't think it's easy. The answer is not simply that men have 8, women have 9 with eyes, nose, ears, genitals.

Don't think it's easy. The answer is not simply that men have 8, women have 9 with eyes, nose, ears, genitals. In fact, there are lots of sweat glands, hair follicles on the body, and if so, exactly no one can give an answer.

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The distribution of hair and hair on the body depends on gender, age, hair color. The brown-haired person has a higher density of hair follicles in red-haired people.

Picture 1 of Who can answer this question: 'How many holes are there in the human body?'

Based on the study of hair follicles / hair follicles to differentiate human and other primates of anthropologist Adolf Schulz, we can give an estimate of the number of hair follicles / hair on the body. human body.

According to Adolf Schulz's study, on average humans and primates have the same number of hair follicles / hairs, about 300 per cm2. The density of hair follicles in the chest is the smallest, only one capsule per 1 cm2. Accordingly, if only based on the average density of hair follicles / hair, the human body has 5,000,000 holes.

In fact, in addition to hair follicles, people also have sweat glands. According to the results of a recent study, it is estimated that humans have a total number of sweat glands of about 3 million.

Summing up, the number of losses on the human body is a tremendous number compared to the estimate of any one of us.

Update 24 May 2019


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