15 facts show that our bodies possess divine 'esper powers'

The human body is really a giant apparatus, the deeper we learn, the more surprised we are about it. Join us in discovering 15 facts that show that our bodies possess divine 'esper powers' in the following article!
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The human body is really a giant apparatus, the deeper we learn, the more surprised we are about it. Every day scientists reveal to us new discoveries about the human body and one of them makes us feel very surprised.

Therefore, we have been collecting data that shows something really special in the human body.Join us in discovering 15 facts that show that our bodies possess divine ' esper powers ' in the following article!

15 facts show that our bodies possess divine 'esper powers' Picture 115 facts show that our bodies possess divine 'esper powers' Picture 1 © depositphotos.com © depositphotos.com

  1. The stomach acid is enough to "break down" a razor blade . Because our stomachs contain gastric juice - a solution of HCL acid and some other enzymes. However, you absolutely do not need to try to swallow the razor into your abdomen to prove this truth because it is too dangerous.
  2. We can live without stomach, 75% of the liver, 1 kidney, 80% of the intestine, spleen, 1 side of the lungs and any organs in the groin area. It is not the happiest life but can sustain life.
  3. Skin has a mechanism to flush out dead skin cells . Every 2-4 weeks, the skin regenerates itself with new skin cells. Within 1 year, we removed about 0.7kg of dead skin according to the natural mechanism.
  4. The bones of a normal person can withstand the weight of about 16,000 people standing on the body.
  5. The "strongest" muscle in the body is the bite muscle - the chewing function . If the definition of muscle has the most power means that it is capable of the most pressure, then it is the jaw muscle. The jaw muscles are located near the back of the jaw bone used to open and close the mouth when you chew. Although chewing jaw is not always working, it can normally exert a force of up to 90kg on your molars when biting and chewing.

15 facts show that our bodies possess divine 'esper powers' Picture 215 facts show that our bodies possess divine 'esper powers' Picture 2 © pixabay.com

  1. Losing the little finger, we lose 50% of the hand . As the smallest finger in the hand, few people doubt that if you lose your pinky finger, your hand has lost 50% of its strength. According to therapist Laurie Rogers, each finger has different functions and tasks. If your thumb helps you to hold it, the little finger helps to combine with the ring finger to keep things steady.
  2. The small intestine in the human body is equal to 4 normal people combined . This is really amazing, because how it can fit in our stomachs!
  3. Our bodies contain 60,000 miles ( about 96,560 km ) of blood vessels.
  4. The total area of ​​human lungs is as big as a tennis court .We know the lung structure contains air-filtering cells, each lung cell acts as a micro-plant and takes on important functions, helping the body to maintain life.If you spread all these cells on a flat surface, you will get the area of ​​a tennis court.
  5. The hair is extremely strong, able to hold "2 elephants" . It looks so fragile, the hair is extremely strong. Each strand of hair can lift 100g heavy and when combined with the hair on the head can lift 12 tons, ie 2 healthy elephants.

15 facts show that our bodies possess divine 'esper powers' Picture 315 facts show that our bodies possess divine 'esper powers' Picture 3 © pixabay.com

  1. The human eye is capable of changing colors from green to brown. In Western countries, babies are born with green eyes and it takes some time for the eyes to turn brown, black or other colors. The cause of the main eye color is melanin. At birth, children have less possession of melanin, their eyes will gradually darken and change color during the body's development. In addition, eye pigmentation also depends on body size, changes according to certain conditions such as emotions or light.
  2. People can live longer when fasting compared to lack of sleep . We can live for about 3 weeks without food, but if we lack sleep for 11 days, our bodies will stop working.
  3. A normal healthy person can produce 4 gallons ( 15 liters ) of sweat in a day.
  4. The body temperature produced in 30 minutes is enough to boil 2 liters of water.
  5. Throughout life, each person will produce enough saliva to fill 2 pools.

See also: Science is still finding the mystery behind "trypophobia"

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