20 types of strange objects discovered in the human body make you 'floaters'

Live frogs, intact coca bottles, unexploded grenades, concrete ... are the strangest things doctors have taken out of the human body.

The doctors were extremely surprised to discover and retrieve these strange objects in the patient's body. Whether they are unintentional or intentional, their appearance also causes patients to suffer a great deal of pain. Let's find out what those strange objects are, surely you will not be surprised and frightened.

  1. Shivered with the "horror" dishes with 1-0-2 in the world
  2. Successfully manufactured human ear from apples

Surgical instruments

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This kind of strange object that appears in the human body is often caused by doctors, leaving behind the patient's body after the surgery.

Frogs are alive

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A man named Duong Dinh Thai in China has eaten live animals like frogs, mice . for 40 years for believing that he will cure the disease. After a 'fresh meal' he felt pain in his stomach and was hospitalized, the doctors were shocked and frightened when the film showed a frog living in his belly.

Rust knife

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Mr. Ly Phuc Yen sometimes saw bleeding in his throat and had swallowing problems, so he went to the hospital for examination. The doctors were 'dead' when they found a blade 10cm long in his head. Three years ago, Mr. Li clashed and was stabbed in his throat but did not think that the blade was broken and remained in his body for such a long time. Fortunately for him, the blade does not pierce the arteries and nerves.

Plastic fork

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Doctors suspect John Manley had lung cancer because he suffered from persistent coughs and breathlessness for months and images of a chest X-ray showed a strange block in his lungs. But when the surgery was done, the doctors were surprised to find that strange block was a plastic fork that John Manley could swallow when he ate fast food.


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Young children often give anything within reach to their mouths, especially small cute toys. And although parents always try to observe, there are many cases of children swallowing toys into their stomachs.

Spoons, forks

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Swallowing non-food items is quite common, especially for women. But perhaps Margaret Daalman's case is the most special and rare, the Dutch doctors are amazed to see that in the stomach, intestines and throat she has a collection of spoons and forks.

A bottle of Cocacola

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A 60-year-old man was unconscious when he was stolen into the house, controlled and stuffed a coca into his throat. A few days later, he suffered severe pain in his abdomen and constipation, so he went to the hospital for examination. The X-ray image shows an intact coca bottle in his colon.

Unexploded grenades

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While patrolling a province in Afghanistan, Private Channing Moss and his allies were attacked by a Taliban with a grenade launcher. Unfortunately, Moss was struck by a grenade. But the grenade didn't explode. Moss was immediately taken to the hospital with an unexploded grenade. The doctors quickly operated on the grenade and, of course, also had an expert disabling the grenade.

Prisoner supplies

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To hide and smuggle into prison, a Florida prisoner (USA) has swallowed at the same time both pills, lip balm, condoms, cigarettes, matches, flint, and even a tube the cylinder into the abdomen. Due to being too involved, this prisoner suffered from abdominal pain and of course was caught.

Celebrity poster

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A British woman came to the hospital in terrible pain in her pelvic area and external genitalia. After the examination, the doctors were shocked and puzzled to discover a curled poster of a famous British male star stuffed into this woman through the genital tract.


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To put pressure on her husband in the quarrel, a Chinese woman swallowed all 20 stones in her stomach. After a few days of trying to endure the pain but the stones still didn't go out in the natural way, she was forced to go to the hospital with the help of the doctor.

Love toys

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When examining a Scottish female patient to the hospital due to pain during urination and feeling burning in the external genitalia. Doctors have discovered in the vagina of patients that a love toy is stuck and this is the cause of pain. The amazing thing was that it was stuck there 10 years ago.

Hair bun

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18 years ago, at a hospital in the US, doctors operated on a female patient with stomach pain and took out a hair bun weighing nearly 5kg. The reason is that this patient has a habit of chewing his hair for years.


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When repairing the house, a man missed his nail on his head. At first he thought the nail didn't shoot at his head because he didn't feel anything. But 36 hours later, he started a severe headache and had to go to the hospital. Doctors discovered a nail nearly 8cm long in his brain.


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A man had to go to the hospital to rescue the doctor due to pain in the rectum because he had inserted the dildo into the anus but could not pick it up.

Unexploded bullet

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Hoping to cure the hemorrhoids, a World War II veteran swallowed an unexploded bullet in his stomach and did not expect the bullet to be stuck in the rectum. When surgery to remove the bullet, the doctor must invite an expert to join to disable the bullet for fear of it exploding.

Baby squid

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After eating the squid, a Korean woman felt pain in her mouth and had to go to the hospital. After the examination, the doctors were stunned to see a multitude of small, white, cylindrical organisms sticking all over their mouths, especially the tongue and cheek area of ​​this person. When this strange creature was brought out, the doctors determined that it was a class of sperm. This is because the person ate the unqualified squid, and her mouth became the host of tiny squid.


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A 20-year-old gay man was hospitalized urgently due to pain. This guy had to let his lover use a funnel to pour the liquid concrete mixture into the anus, to his rectum to increase the feeling but when the mixture hardened, regret did not keep up.


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A woman was hospitalized with a headache and lost consciousness. Initially, doctors suspected of having a tumor in the brain, then they were amazed to find a large tapeworm trying to get into her brain.


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An Indian man lives half his life with an unidentified mass in his abdomen. And only when he had a breathing problem did he come to the hospital. Doctors thought he had a giant tumor in his abdomen, but when they operated, they found out that it was a dead fetus, which was formed in the belly of this man when he was not born.

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