When you are hungry, you should eat 6 fruits that will be extremely healthy

Did you know, there are hungry fruits that not only supply the body with vitamins but also help detoxify, provide energy and support the body's weight loss process.

Eating fruits daily is a great way to naturally provide vitamins and fiber to the body.

However, many of us often have a habit of using fruit as dessert after a meal, which is not good for health. Because then, the foods you eat before, such as bread can prevent the absorption of minerals and vitamins in fruits into the body, but also cause a feeling of belching, bloating. Therefore, eat fruit when you're hungry or before a 30-minute meal.

Did you know, there are hungry fruits that not only supply the body with vitamins but also help detoxify, provide energy and support the body's weight loss process.

1. Kiwi

Picture 1 of When you are hungry, you should eat 6 fruits that will be extremely healthy

Kiwifruit is rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and abundant fiber. The vitamin C content of kiwi is twice that of oranges. This fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach to help the body absorb more nutrients from them when eating at full time.

2. Apples

Picture 2 of When you are hungry, you should eat 6 fruits that will be extremely healthy

Apples are an extremely good fruit for our bodies, in addition to antioxidants and flavonoids, which help reduce the risk of colon cancer, heart attack and stroke, apples are also very beneficial for oral health and people who want to lose weight. So you can comfortably eat this fruit when you're hungry.

3. Strawberry

Picture 3 of When you are hungry, you should eat 6 fruits that will be extremely healthy

Strawberries contain 10 times more protection against antioxidants than tomatoes to help protect the body from cancer-causing agents and prevent blood clots. Besides, strawberries also contain vitamins such as A, B1, B2 and especially the amount of vitamin C is quite high, more than oranges and watermelons help the body increase resistance against infection, poisoning, flu and Anti-stress, aging (oxidation).

4. Cam

Picture 4 of When you are hungry, you should eat 6 fruits that will be extremely healthy

A glass of orange juice with a tonic, this is not true. Orange is the best and healthiest choice that housewives should put on their family's grocery list. The orange fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that helps slow down the effects of cell aging and damage cells. Even vitamin C can help boost your immune system. Besides drinking orange juice when hungry every day will help reduce bad cholesterol levels, prevent and support the treatment of kidney stones, and reduce the risk of colon cancer. That's good, but for people with stomach ulcers, duodenum, or pancreatitis, orange juice should not be taken.

5. Watermelon

Picture 5 of When you are hungry, you should eat 6 fruits that will be extremely healthy

Watermelon is a popular summer fruit. The watermelon contains 92% water and 6% sugar. Eating watermelon will boost your immune system because it contains glutathione. In addition, watermelon also contains good lycopene - anti-cancer antioxidant. Besides, it also contains nutrients as well as abundant sources of vitamin C and potassium also in watermelon.

6. Guava and papaya

Picture 6 of When you are hungry, you should eat 6 fruits that will be extremely healthy

These two fruits also contain high levels of vitamin C. Guava is rich in fiber and prevents constipation. Papaya containing cartotene is considered good for the eyes.

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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