What is ETC? Meaning etc?

In English, the word etc is a word that is frequently used and very familiar to many people. So what does etc mean and is it an acronym?

For those who learn English or regularly read English books and newspapers will surely know the word etc, a very familiar word. However, etc does not stop at a certain meaning, it is also used in many cases and shown for many different content. Let's find out what etc mean in the article below.

What word does ETC stand for?

First of all etc is the abbreviation for Et cetera in English , which means so on and so forth . When et etc is literally translated from Latin, et means and, cetera means the rest so etc is interpreted as well and the rest.

This word etc appears at the end of sentences so that readers understand that there will still be similar content behind and used in the sentences listed. When you write etc at the end of a sentence, there must be a "." and when used etc in the list, do not use other words listed as synonymous so on.

Also etc also stands for a number of terms in many different fields.

  1. In export and import, ETC means Estimated Time of Completion is understood as the estimated time of completion.
  2. In medicine, ETC stands for Ethical Drug and applies to prescription drugs.
  3. If in the banking and finance industry, ETC stands for Ethereum Classic, the name of a virtual currency.

Picture 1 of What is ETC? Meaning etc?

Update 08 April 2020


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