Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks

Below is a summary of commonly used acronyms in English that are often used on social networks, and they can even replace the language of everyday life and their original meaning. Please consult.

Currently, there are about 3.5 billion Internet users in the world, accounting for nearly half of the population. With the explosion of the Internet as well as social media, mobile devices, we can share information with each other from all over the world at any time. And the way of communicating via the Internet (short and simplified writing) has led to the introduction of new words, including acronyms from all languages. There are even acronyms that are so popular that they are frequently used in everyday life, causing many people to forget their true origin.

Below is a summary of commonly used acronyms in English that are often used on social networks, and they can even replace the language of everyday life and their original meaning. Please consult.

2day: Today - Today
2moro: Tomorrow - Tomorrow
2nite: Tonight - Tonight
4EAE: For Ever And Ever - Forever
ABT: About - About (what / what)
DNA: Any Day Now - Upcoming, the next few days
AFAIC: As Far As I'm Concerned - Follow what I know
AFAICT: As Far As I Can Tell - From what I know
AFAIK: As Far As I Know - As far as I know
AFAIR: As Far As I Remember - According to what I remember
AKA: Also Known As - Also known as
AMA: Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything
ASAIC: As Soon As I Can - As soon as possible
ASAP: As Soon As Possible - Soon as possible
ATM: At The Moment - Present / right now
B4: Before - Before that
B4N: Bye For Now - Goodbye
Bae: Babe / Before Anyone Else - You, darling / Before anyone else
BBL: Be Back Later - Will be back later
BF: Boy Friend - Boyfriend
BFF: Best Friends Forever - Friends forever
BRB: Be right back - Will be right back
BRO: Brother - Brother
BT: But - But
BTW: By The Way - By the way
CFY: Calling for you
CU: See You - See you later / Goodbye
CUL: See You Later - See you later
Cuz: Because - Because
CYA: Cover your ass - How to avoid being scolded, guilty
DAE: Does anyone else - Anyone else?
DBA: Doing Business As - What's business
DFTBA: Don't Forget to be awesome - You are awesome and don't forget to look for such great things in the people around you.
DIKU: Do I Know You - Do I know you?
DM: Direct Message - Direct message
DND: Do Not Disturb - Don't bother
DR: Double Rainbow - Miraculous, extremely happy, happy
DWBH: Don't Worry, Be Happy - Don't worry, have fun
ELI5: Explain like I'm 5 - Simple explanation
EOM: End of message - End message / message / letter
EOS: End Of Story - Ending the story
F2F: Face To Face - Face to face
FAQ: Frequently Asked Question - Frequently asked questions
FB: Facebook
FF: Follow Friday - 1 hashtag on Twitter
FIFY: Fixed it for you - Expresses disagreement with someone. It means sarcasm.
FITB: Fill In The Blank - Fill in the blank
FML: F *** my life
FOMO: Fear of missing out - Fear of being abandoned, missed
FTL: For the loss
FTW: For The Win
FWB: Friends with benefits - A couple with more personal relationships than friendship, not love but often to address love needs d * c.
FYI: For Your Information - Information for you
GA: Go Ahead - Go ahead
GF: Girl Friend - Girlfriend
GM: Good Morning - Good morning
GN: Good Night - Good night
Gr8: Great - Great
GTR: Getting Ready - Ready
HAND: Have A Nice Day - Have a nice day
HB: Hurry Back - Hurry up
HBD: Happy Birthday - Happy birthday
HBU: How About You - What about you?
HMU: Hit Me Up - Contact me later
HRU: How Are You - How are you?
HTH: Hope This Helps - Hope this helps
IAC: In Any Case - In any case
IC: I See - I understand / see
ICYMI: In Case You Missed It - Where you missed something
IDC: I Don't Care - I don't care
IDK: I Dont Know - I don't know
IG: Instagram
IIRC: If I Remember Correctly - If I remember correctly
ILY: I Love You - I love you
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion - In my opinion
IMMD: It Made My Day - What makes someone happy
IMY: I miss you - I miss you / I miss you
IRL: In real life - Real life
IS: I'm Sorry - Sorry!
ISO: In Search Of - Searching
IU2U: It's Up To You - It depends on you
J4F: Just For Fun - Just kidding
JAM: Just A Minute - Wait a minute
JFY: Just For You - Only for you / me
JIC: Just in case - Room when
JK: Just kidding - Just kidding
JSYK: Just So You Know - Just hope you understand
KK: Okay - Alright
L8: Late - Late, slow
L8R: Later - Later, later
LMA: Leave Me Alone - Leave me alone / Leave me
LMAO: Laughing my ass off - Laughing butt
LMN: Let me know - Let me know
LOL: Laugh Out Loud - Laugh out loud
LTNS: Long Time No See - Long time no see
LYLAS: Love you like a sister - I only love you as a sister
M / F : Male or Female - Boy or girl
M8: Mate
MP: My pleasure - Pleasure
MSM: Mainstream Media
MU: Miss You - Miss you / me
MYOB: Mind your own business - Take your business first
NAGI: Not a good idea - Not a good idea
NBD: No Big Deal - No problem
NE1: Anyone - Anyone

Abbreviations saved as images, you can save to your phone, the computer to check when needed:

Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 1Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 1

Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 2Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 2

Abbreviations and Vietnamese meanings.

Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 3Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 3 Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 4Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 4

Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 5Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 5 Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 6Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 6

Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 7Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 7 Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 8Synthesis of English abbreviations commonly used on social networks Picture 8

See more:

  1. Summary of the most popular Facebook acronyms today
  2. Language translation on Word 2019
  3. Virtual Assistant Google Assistant was able to directly translate 27 languages, including Vietnamese
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