Tracing the stolen truck, discovering the second-century ancient coffin under the olive tree

A strange incident that appeared in Iznik Bursa district showed that a police team while searching for stolen trucks suddenly found an ancient coffin dating from the second century.

A strange incident that appeared in Iznik Bursa district showed a police team while searching for stolen trucks suddenly found an ancient coffin dating from the second century.

Accordingly, a truck stolen in Iznik Bursa district forced a police team to search for the whereabouts. However, on the pursuit, not found the car, the police team suddenly found an archaeological relic under the grove of olive trees on the hunt.

The police team called the archaeological team of the Iznik Museum and the archaeological team quickly arrived at the scene.

Picture 1 of Tracing the stolen truck, discovering the second-century ancient coffin under the olive tree
Photo source: DHA.

The new excavation shows that underneath the soil a wild olive grove is an ancient coffin with a roof-like structure. Many experts say, this coffin appeared in the second century, under Antiquity .

The whole of this ancient coffin is made of marble , there are 10 stripes on the roof of the coffin, each head of tile has 1 lion head and the estimated amount of this ancient coffin is 6 tons.

Picture 2 of Tracing the stolen truck, discovering the second-century ancient coffin under the olive tree

Photo source: DHA.

Currently, the archaeological group is continuing to study in depth and detail about this ancient coffin. 10 months ago, also near this area, people also found an ancient coffin of the queen with a volume of about 7 tons, there are many jewels discovered by many archaeologists and illegally stolen a little. .

Huynh Dung ( According to Dailysabah)


Update 24 May 2019


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