This huge and unusually large mosquito in Argentina terrifies netizens

This giant mosquito flew into the home of a people in Argentina, then was killed by insect spray.

This giant mosquito flew into the home of a resident in Argentina, then was killed by insect spray.

Ezequiel Lobo, the owner of the house, found the mosquito unusually large so he took a picture and posted it on Twitter with the status line: " This is a mosquito that just flew over my window, look at its size. The mosquito appeared like a god, scared my mother and took a RAID bottle to spray on it. "

Picture 1 of This huge and unusually large mosquito in Argentina terrifies netizens

Immediately, the photo of Ezequiel Lobo's giant mosquito caused a fever in social networking community. Many users who saw this mosquito associate it as coming out of the movie Jumaji or The Mist.

Lobo said this was the first time he had seen such a giant mosquito, and wondered if it had to be a mutant due to Chernobyl radiation.

Lobo also took a picture of this giant mosquito when placed next to an ordinary mosquito for comparison. One user commented that the giant mosquito is Psorophora ciliata and it does not carry infectious diseases, and the other common mosquito is the Aedes Aegypti, which can transmit jaundice, dengue fever .

Picture 2 of This huge and unusually large mosquito in Argentina terrifies netizens

Michael H. Reiskind - an insect expert, Psorophora ciliata is a native mosquito in the eastern United States, it is very fierce and bites very badly. These mosquitoes often appear after floods and often do not carry infectious diseases, it is only dangerous for anyone with allergies.

However, it remains to be determined whether the giant mosquito is a Psorophora ciliata.

  1. In Iceland there aren't any mosquitoes, the only one has been soaked in alcohol and taken to the museum
Update 05 February 2020


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