How to fix broken mosquito catch at home

how to identify and fix broken tennis racket has been broken, let's find out through the following article of offline!

The rainy season is the right time to help mosquitoes proliferate quickly and can carry a lot of dangerous disease risk.Therefore, there are many people who choose to buy mosquito light, mosquito rackets to prevent themselves.However, during use, if the mosquito catcher is broken and you do not know it, it can lead to 'bad crying and laughing' problems such as mosquito rackets where mosquitoes do not die.So, how to identify andfix broken mosquito catcherhow, let's find out through the following article of offline!

Things to know about mosquito racket and how to fix rackets at home

  1. The cause and how to fix broken mosquito rackets at home
  2. Things to know when self-repair racket to kill mosquitoes
  3. Experience buying good quality mosquito racket
  4. How to use mosquito racket safely and preserve the racket is not broken

Picture 1 of How to fix broken mosquito catch at homePicture 1 of How to fix broken mosquito catch at home

The cause and how to fix broken mosquito rackets at home

  1. During the use, if detecting a buzzing noise or the mosquito remains attached to the racket only fumes without emitting an explosion, the main cause may be due to the damaged capacitor's capacitor bank, capacitor. out of power or exposed wiring inside the racket.Therefore, in this case, the user needs to use an Ohm meter to measure the power to see if the capacitor of the mosquito catcher is out of power.If it is out of date, it needs to be replaced or brought to a service center for inspection and repair.
  2. Racket after using for a long time without hygiene will have the mosquitoes on it, causing black burn on the net in the next racket.At this time, if the mosquitoes fall into such dirty places, it will be difficult to get an electric shock.Therefore, after use is complete, users should take a small toothbrush to rub mosquitoes fall out.
  3. Breaking a net or breaking a racquet creates a gap that makes the electricity of the surrounding places different, which is also the cause of the tennis mosquito's effect to be affected and will eventually be damaged.To overcome this situation, users need to carefully store the racket, do not let children use the racket as a toy and absolutely do not place heavy objects on the surface of the racket.

Picture 2 of How to fix broken mosquito catch at homePicture 2 of How to fix broken mosquito catch at home

Things to know when self-repair racket to kill mosquitoes

When fixing a mosquito catch racket, in addition to the cause of the fault, you should also note the following:

  1. Must understand the operating principle as well as the structure of the racket to be able to offer an effective remedy.
  2. Users need to remove the details carefully, to avoid breaking small wires.
  3. Depending on how badly the racket is broken, the user should decide to repair it or have a repairer fix it.In case of a simple failure, the user can fix it on his own, but if the level of failure of the mosquito catcher is too complicated, you should bring it to a repairor or even replace a new racket, absolutely not. be repaired on your own, as this may result in a fire and danger.

Experience buying good quality mosquito racket

High quality material

Material is the first important criterion that users need to consider when choosing a mosquito racket.Users should choose mosquito catch rackets made of high quality plastic such as ABS / PP because they are not only durable, aesthetically pleasing but also less dusty, easy to clean.

Many layers of tight knit mesh

When choosing a racket, users should prefer those with a mesh designed with many small eyes and multiple layers.If possible, choose a layer with 3 or more layers because it can protect you from shock, and increase electrical contact from racket to mosquitoes, thereby improving the effectiveness of killing mosquitoes.

Battery life is long

Each type of mosquito racket is designed with a separate charger and just plugged into the socket, very convenient to use.Not only that, with high battery quality, long use and only need to charge in a short period of time can be used without worrying about running out of battery during mosquito racket.

Picture 3 of How to fix broken mosquito catch at homePicture 3 of How to fix broken mosquito catch at home

Choose a reputable brand

When purchasing any product, the user should be aware of the branding factor.To buy quality mosquito racket, you should go to reputable companies, many people choose.In addition to branding, you also need to find out carefully about the specifications, warranty period, place of production . of the product.Normally, they will be printed on stamps and stuck on products.

How to use mosquito racket safely and preserve the racket is not broken

Do not touch the net

Want to use the racket, users simply press the power button up and then press the switch so electricity can flow through the metal mesh and kill mosquitoes.However, when you release your hand from the switch without turning off the power button, the electricity remains on the grid, so you should never touch it to avoid electric shock.

When the racket is getting weaker and weaker, it needs charging right away

When you are using that racket and the tennis player is getting weaker, it needs charging immediately.Signs to identify the racket runs out of power is the sound of catching mosquitoes smaller and smaller,the light isweakening.Time to fully charge the mosquito racket is about 3 to 5 hours.

Carefully preserved, absolutely do not let children contact the racket

When you are finished using it, store it in a high place, out of reach of children. Absolutely do not let children play with mosquitoes to avoid electric shock. In particular, do not put heavy objects on the racket, avoiding the case of broken or damaged rackets.

After killing mosquitoes need to clean all mosquitoes on the racket

After use, there will be a lot of mosquitoes on the racket.So, an effective solution to tilt the racket to one side, use a small toothbrush to gently wash the mosquitoes down.Absolutely do not knock or use sharp objects to clean the mesh because this will damage and reduce the durability of the racquet.

Picture 4 of How to fix broken mosquito catch at homePicture 4 of How to fix broken mosquito catch at home

Absolutely do not use mosquito catch rackets for other purposes

Designed to resemble a tennis racket, you must never use it to play tennis or for other purposes to avoid shortening its life.

Place the racket in a dry place, do not place near flammable objects

The racket should be stored in a cool, dry place, absolutely not placed in high temperature or humid places, near water sources, flammable materials.If the tennis racket is accidentally wet, calm down and use a dryer to dry the racket or dry the racket before using to avoid electric shock, fire or explosion.

So, here is some information on how to fix broken mosquito catchers at home.Hopefully our sharing will help you in the process of using mosquito catchers.Good luck!

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