Things parents should not do for their children

Parents' task is to help their children grow up and gain experience for a better life. Here are the things parents should never do for their children.

Parents helping their children too much is not a good thing. Remember that adults cannot live for children. Parents' task is to help their children grow up and gain experience for a better life. Here are the things parents should never do for their children.

Picture 1 of Things parents should not do for their children

Speak for me

Starting from the simplest example when someone asks for your child's name, don't rush to answer. Let the child speak for himself. If you keep answering on behalf of your child, over time, this bad habit will make children become timid, lose the opportunity to answer questions on their own or communicate with people around. If the question is difficult, suggest what to say.

Become a friend

Picture 2 of Things parents should not do for their children


Many parents try to be friends with their children and don't want them to have any secrets hidden from them. That is also understandable. However, think a little deeper. What are friends? It is someone you can talk freely about everything in the world.

However, parents have a different role. They care and love you. Therefore, there is no need to try to be close friends. Let your child find friends that are age-appropriate and share similar interests. Parents only need to come to their children when they need support & love.

Want & need

Most adults know that green vegetables are better than sweets. Therefore, parents often dictate to their children what they want. If it continues like this, over time, children will lose their 'me', their desires and goals in life. Instead, parents should understand the needs and desires of their children. If you need to teach them good habits, don't use force. Please advise and guide gently.

Help children too much

Picture 3 of Things parents should not do for their children


Children between 2 and 3 years old can dress, undress, wash cups and put dirty clothes in the washing machine. Moreover, at this age, children really want to do it themselves.

However, many parents help their children to do such things until they are adults because they think that their children cannot do it well on their own. Without allowing children to experience, children will not be able to grow up. Therefore, many teenagers still live messy, lazy, and even do not want to help their parents.

If you don't want to be in that situation, let your child do as many things on his own as they can.

Choosing for children according to parents' preferences

Parents often try to impose preferences for music, reading and clothes on their children. Good intentions but sometimes they are not suitable for children, causing them to lose their independence and creativity. In many cases, children can react harshly to things they don't like.

So, discuss with your child about your favorite movie, music, etc. Let them freely choose and decide what they really want in life.

Here are some things parents should avoid doing for their children . Hope the article is useful to you.

Update 27 July 2023


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