Parents of smart, successful children often do 10 things!
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Surely any parent wants their children to succeed in life. But it is still a wish, and how to make this dream come true is completely different.
Parenting is a very long and complex process with no formula to create a successful child, but scientists have found some common ground among successful parents.
Parents of smart, successful children often do 10 things! Picture 1
Not surprisingly, that has a lot to do with their parents. Here are 10 common points of parents of successful children , if you want your child to be human, try to follow it!
1. Children are usually assigned housework
Research shows that children assigned to housework often have more sense of responsibility, self-control and ownership than other children.
Julie Lythcott-Haims , former principal of Stanford University and also the author of the book " How to Raise an Adult ", says that children often do housework as they grow up. will be colleagues willing to cooperate and be able to complete the task with minimal support.
2. Set high expectations
Parents of smart, successful children often do 10 things! Picture 2
Establishing realistic expectations is a necessary condition for successful parenting. More often than never, children need to gradually increase their expectations.
The trick here is: parents should set high enough milestones so that their child will be able to achieve, at a high enough level, that your child should try to keep up, but keep within the limits so he can achieved.
3. Develop good coping skills
Children need to be taught how to manage anger, delay satisfaction, and handle conflicts in a proper way to achieve success. If parents lack the proper strategy of teaching children to cope, they can lead to problems in their health and happiness later on.
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4. Prepare children for failure
Parents of smart, successful children often do 10 things! Picture 3
The job of parents is to manage and minimize risks, not to eliminate it. Successful parenting means that you must understand that failure is an important part of success.
Although this may sound absurd, studies confirm that it is correct.Prepare the possibilities for your child to fail - which is difficult for most parents but is essential. Failure will be successful in supporting your child's personality development and resilience.
5. Developing social skills
In today's world, social skills are as important as intelligent intelligence. A 20-year study, which tracks 700 children, found that children who developed good social skills were more likely to get a college degree and have a full-time job when they turned 25. compared to other children.
Therefore, parents need to ensure their children can cooperate in beneficial relationships between the two sides; willing to help and sympathize with people around.
6. Quality time should be the top attention in child development
Parents of smart, successful children often do 10 things! Picture 4
The amount of time parents spend on children between the ages of 3 and 11 can predict their behavior, happiness or achievements later. That is the quality time we are talking about. Scold is not a good approach for all children. Parents should know how to keep the environment of parent-child interaction interesting and stimulating but not stressful.
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7. Build perseverance and 'endurance' in children
Encouraging children to learn to be patient with difficulties, challenges or unpleasant problems will help them succeed in life later. Difficulties in building ' I can do ' views are very important for children to have a good position before entering adulthood.
A child who lacks ' fighting spirit ' will be less likely to develop this trait later, as well as lack of commitment, ability to handle situations and enduring enduring efforts.
8. Support children in developing a strong sense of self-reliance
Parents of smart, successful children often do 10 things! Picture 5
To do this, parents need to have a balance in teaching. If a parent overrides the children, it will interfere with independence, while being too easy to take away the opportunity to learn about integrity, orientation, commitment and concentration. Children need help to be able to identify their strengths, weaknesses, interests and what they don't like.
See also: Ask your child 4 questions each day, if you want to understand more
9. Set the final goal
Parents of smart, successful children often do 10 things! Picture 6
Most parents have a mindset to deal with the current situation, get control as soon as possible and find the fastest solutions. How we want our children to grow, we should try to be more considerate in how to teach our children.
Try to pause and take advantage of moments that can teach children through certain behaviors that parents themselves can model. If parents are listeners, caring for their children, they will value their parents more when they grow up and sometimes have a more successful career.
The 2014 study showed that parents' interest in the first 3 years of their babies helps them grow better when they grow up and have greater achievements when they turn 30.
Parents' interest in their children will form a strong pedestal, helping to protect their children from dangers and help them explore the world freely.
10. Practice 3 successful parenting rules: Consistent, Fair and Friendly
Parents of smart, successful children often do 10 things! Picture 7
The wrong actions of children need to be clearly reminded and penalties must be consistent with the violations. The harsh penalties are not necessary and do not match the above mentioned techniques. Although I made a mistake, my parents also need to keep an open and friendly attitude while keeping a strict voice.
See also: 12 simple tips to becoming a good father
Having fun!
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