The SQRT function returns the square root of a positive number in Excel

The SQRT () function in Excel helps you quickly calculate the square root of any number you want. The syntax and usage of the function is very simple, but if you do not know, follow the article below.

The SQRT () function in Excel helps you quickly calculate the square root of any number you want. The syntax and usage of the function is very simple, but if you do not know, follow the article below.

The SQRT function returns the square root of a positive number in Excel Picture 1The SQRT function returns the square root of a positive number in Excel Picture 1

The article describes the syntax and usage of the SQRT () function in Excel.


SQRT () returns the square root of a positive number.


= SQRT (number)


number is a positive number that you want to find its square root.

If number is negative, SQRT () will return a #NUM! Error.

For example

Find the square root of the numbers: 3, -3, 0, 0.5.

Because -3 is a negative number, the function returns the #NUM! Error. other numbers will be returned to their square root value.

The SQRT function returns the square root of a positive number in Excel Picture 2The SQRT function returns the square root of a positive number in Excel Picture 2

The article presented the syntax and usage of the SQRT () function in Excel, hopefully the article will help you better understand the SQRT () function. Good luck!

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