The risks are unavoidable when surfing the web

The e-mails with the content 'you've just won an IBM laptop', 'the smuggler who uses perfume to ... anesthetize the victim' still makes many people believe it. In addition, pornographic websites, out-of-stream information ... are causing the Internet to return

The e-mails with the content "you just won an IBM laptop", "the smuggler who uses perfume to . anesthetize the victim" still makes many people believe it. In addition, pornographic websites, out-of-stream information . are making the Internet more complicated.

Annoying things on the Net

Spam : Spam is considered an advertising job to make money. However, the e-mail contains the title "First-class medicine" to help reduce fat, "Buy cheap Viagra" . takes time and annoys users.

Tin duck : Bill Gates gives no big money. Paris Hilton filmed sex movies again. The cafe forced a woman to pay $ 250 for a plate of biscuits . Until now, many people still believe in such things and send them everywhere.

Picture 1 of The risks are unavoidable when surfing the web
Photo: peapod E-mail chain : "Please send this message to 10 other people, otherwise you will be at risk 10 times". This form of harassment is even more annoying than spam because they are spread from friends and relatives.

Pop-up / pop-under : People can hardly expect a day surfing without ads. The most annoying is that ads appear on a separate window each time a website is opened. Many pop-up blocking software has appeared but advertisers are also continuing to look for new forms of marketing.

Website 'out of threading'

Guide to bad things : Do you want to trade in drugs? Collective suicide? Or want to know the composition of simple bomb manufacturing? How to avoid camera when stealing items? . Up to this point, measures to block websites containing such content still completely fail.

Pirated file : Sharing music, movies, pirated software began to be noticed in the 1990s when Napster allowed users to download songs for free and make the recording industry mad. The Metallica band was one of the most fiercely sued Napster groups.

Extremism : Many anti-organizations have turned the Internet into a tool to pass on promotional and advocacy messages. It is thanks to the ability to remain anonymous on the Internet that this form is increasingly blooming. In addition, over the past few years, terrorist groups have also set up websites to recruit, share information and post videos about executed victims.

Pornographic website : No one doubts that depraved cultural products always bring huge amounts of money for those who distribute and trade them. People are no longer shy about buying sex publications because they only need to connect to the Internet and secretly watch at home.

Risks on the Net

Spyware : This is spyware that tracks and steals information that users don't know. Spyware has long been considered a "hardship" on the global network.

Adware : This adware is a form of spyware, which is responsible for collecting information and customizing advertising e-mails to suit the occupation, the user's name.

Hackers are hackers who use computer knowledge to break into computer networks. Some just want to test their proficiency, but others aim to sabotage. They can spread viruses, spyware, trojans . to control PC systems.

Phishing : E-mail pretends to be sent from a reputable organization, so the recipient quickly clicks on the link or downloads the attachment. However, hidden behind is the dangerous software capable of recording all sensitive data, especially online bank account passwords, credit cards .

Update 25 May 2019


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