Successfully decipher the mystery of the stone 'know it' in Death Valley

You may not believe it but actually on our planet there exists a place where the stones here move on their own even though no one touches it. That absurdity has led scientists to headaches over the last few decades to finally have a solution.

You may not believe it but actually on our planet there exists a place where the stones here move on their own even though no one touches it. That absurdity has led scientists to headaches over the last few decades to finally have a solution.

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Hundreds of years ago, Racetrack Playa was full of water, but today, this area is a very flat, dry mudland in Death Valley - Death Valley of California, USA National Park, surrounded by high hills. This is also the place with the hot and dry climate and the lowest in North America. It is known as one of the most exotic places on the planet, where there are rocks that can weigh up to 320kg.

Picture 1 of Successfully decipher the mystery of the stone 'know it' in Death Valley

No one sees how and how fast the stones move. People only see the different trails they leave. Each stone here moves its own way, they can turn left, go straight, wavy, or follow zigzag . There are rocks weighing about 45kg that can move long distances. 457m from 2-5 years.

Picture 2 of Successfully decipher the mystery of the stone 'know it' in Death Valley

Many people will ask, are the stones here really moving on their own without the impact of anyone?

Richard Norris, an oceanographer at the University of California San Diego and his uncle installed a GPS locator on a rock that they brought themselves to this Death Valley area to verify, not allowed by local authorities. they experiment on rocks here.

After two years of waiting, the rock finally moved. This suggests that it is real for stones to move through this arid region.

After decades of research, scientists finally discovered the secret of "walking" rocks. The combination of ice, wind and sun has created a unique interesting thing for this land.

Picture 3 of Successfully decipher the mystery of the stone 'know it' in Death Valley

  1. First, when the rain is large enough, the area will become a lake with a depth of depth large enough to form a floating ice layer during the winter but sufficiently shallow to allow the stones to rise.
  2. At night, when the temperature drops, the lake will close a thin layer of ice on the face, still below the liquid.After that, the amount of ice will thicken, when the hardness is enough and enough to repel the rock, the ice should still be thin enough to be able to move freely.At this time, the stones there will be surrounded by a thin layer of ice.
  3. When the Sun appears, the ice melts and cracks into pieces.They will be pushed by the wind on the surface of the lake and push the stones along.
Update 24 May 2019


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