Strange things of 32nm technology

A 32nm transistor can turn on and off more than 300 billion times in a second. It will take 4,000 years to turn on and off a light bulb for the same number of times.

A 32nm transistor can turn on and off more than 300 billion times in a second. It will take 4,000 years to turn on and off a light bulb for the same number of times.

The most advanced 32 nanometer (nm) processing technology from Intel today, used in completely new Intel Core processors in 2010, including Core i3, i5 and i7, contains many strange and interesting things. taste.

Picture 1 of Strange things of 32nm technology

- A nanometer (nm) is so small that it takes one billion times to multiply this unit by one meter. One billion is a huge number. A stack of one billion pages of thick paper will be 100 km high. If you can walk a billion steps, you will walk around the earth 20 times.

- The first transistor manufactured by Bell Labs in 1947 is big enough to be assembled by hand. In contrast, more than 60 million 32nm transistors can fit into the head of a pin.

- More than 4 million 32nm transistors can fit in the dot at the end of this sentence. A 32nm transistor contains gates that are so small that you can fit 3,000 ports like that of a human hair horizontally.

- If a normal house is as small as a transistor, you will not be able to see the house without a microscope. To observe the characteristics of 32nm with the naked eye, you will have to enlarge the chip larger than a house.

- Compared to Intel's first microprocessor, the 4004, introduced in 1971, a 32nm CPU runs 4,000 times faster and each transistor also consumes about 4,000 times less energy. The price performance on each transistor has decreased by about 100,000 times.

Picture 2 of Strange things of 32nm technology
- A 32nm transistor can turn on and off more than 300 billion times in a second. It will take 4,000 years to turn on and off a light bulb for the same number of times.

- Intel has shipped more than 200 million processors using high-k metal gate transistors - the technology used in 32nm processors - since the technology was put into production. first in 2007. This is equivalent to the number of more than 50,000,000,000,000 (50 million billion) transistors, equivalent to more than 7 million transistors for every human on earth.

- ' The world's fastest man ' Usain Bolt will have to run 3,125,000,000 (3,125 billion) steps in the 100-meter competition if each of his runs is only 32nm long.

- You can adjust the sharpness of an image on Adobe Photoshop by 28% faster (compared to 45nm technology).

- The new Intel Core processor family is 4,767 times faster than the first processor from Intel, Intel 4004.

- The transistors in the Intel Core i5 processor act as the electron flow control switches in a microchip. They turn on and off more than a trillion times per second.

- If the pace of development in the field of space travel is as fast as the speed of Moore's Law since 1971, then you can now move at the speed of light: 671 million miles per hour.

- The price performance on each transistor in a chip has dropped drastically since Intel was founded in 1968. Some have estimated that the price of a current transistor is just the same price as one letter. a printed newspaper.

- Intel's 32nm processing technology has a gate height of 0.9nm. The average thickness of a sheet is 0.1mm. It will take 111,111 stacked gates to equal the thickness of a sheet of paper.

Update 25 May 2019


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