Start the AWS Hackdays 2019 contest in Vietnam

AWS Hackdays 2019: Hack for Good is a contest launched by Amazon Web Services, a subsidiary of to promote positive changes when using AWS technologies, strengthening the community Application developers in Southeast Asia.

AWS Hackdays 2019: Hack for Good is a contest launched by Amazon Web Services, a subsidiary of to promote positive changes when using AWS technologies, strengthening the community Application developers in Southeast Asia.

The Amazon Web Services competition is organized online in 6 Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam.

Picture 1 of Start the AWS Hackdays 2019 contest in Vietnam

The 4 main themes are given by the organizers and encouraged the candidates to participate creatively: HealthTech (technology in health), Smart City (smart city), AgriTech (technology for agriculture) and FinTech ( technology in the financial industry).

Picture 2 of Start the AWS Hackdays 2019 contest in Vietnam

In the contest, developers in the region will demonstrate the creativity and skills of learning in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), Internet of all things (IoT), data analysis , or modern applications.

Participating in the contest, contestants will have access to AWS services such as Amazon Polly to develop voice support applications ., or Amazon Sagemaker to build, train, and deploy application models. machine learning.

To participate in the AWS Hackday contest 2019: Hack for Good, candidates can submit their entries to

In each country there will be a Demo Day presentation, 5 teams in each country will have the opportunity to attend presentations on projects. The jury of AWS experts and people in the field of start-up / innovation. Criteria for evaluating exam solutions include originality and creativity, feasibility and potential impact, ability to integrate with AWS services.

In Vietnam, the deadline for submitting a contest solution for this online hackathon is March 13, 2019. Vietnam's presentation date is March 22.

On April 10, 2019, the AWS Hackdays finals will take place in Singapore with the participation of the winning teams of the countries. The winning team here will attend the event at Las Vegas for the global cloud application community, all airline tickets, accommodation and event tickets are free.

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Update 24 May 2019


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