Step 2:
Click Install Now to install the latest iOS 11 version. Wait for the installation process to succeed on the phone.
Instructions for upgrading iOS 11 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad Picture 3
IOS upgrade
Note , in order to perform this step, you need to prepare an Internet-connected computer with an updated version of iTunes installed.
Step 1:
Connect your phone to the computer with a USB cable and access iTunes on your computer.
Step 2:
In the left column, click on the phone icon and select Update in the right section. iTunes will check the current version of the phone and notify the upgrade to the new version.
Instructions for upgrading iOS 11 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad Picture 4
Click the Update iOS button
Step 3:
Select Next to proceed with the installation process using iTunes. During the version up process, the Internet connection speed must be stable and the PC is always connected to the phone.
Instructions for upgrading iOS 11 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad Picture 5
We will carry out the version up process via iOS 11 Firmware suitable for each device. This upgrade is quite convenient, requires no Internet connection, can be upgraded or restored to a lower Firmware than iOS6.
Step 1:
Connect your phone to your computer and access iTunes.
Step 2:
Select the iPhone icon then press the Shift key and click on Restore iPhone .
Instructions for upgrading iOS 11 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad Picture 6
Step 3:
Select the downloaded Firmware to proceed to the iOS 11 operating system.
As such, you can upgrade to the latest operating system for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Choose 1 of 3 ways to install the new version.
Refer to the following articles:
Good luck!