Shivered by the snail 6,000 teeth that eat deep in the earth like monsters in the movie

The Powelliphanta snail is only as big as a fist, but there are 6000 teeth that many people are afraid of. With a speed of rapid hunting, the slug had choked and swallowed the earth many times as long as it was eating Spaghetti.

The Powelliphanta snail is only as big as a fist, but there are 6000 teeth that many people are afraid of. With a speed of rapid hunting, the slug had choked and swallowed the earth many times as long as it was eating Spaghetti.

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The sight of Powelliphanta's snail prey is revealed by BBC Earth's Wild New Zealand program.

Powelliphanta is a terrestrial carnivorous snail family found only in New Zealand, they are diverse in size, some species can grow to several centimeters, and are likened to sumo wrestling in the snail world.

The big Powelliphanta snails hid quite well, so it was difficult to find them in New Zealand's jungles and meadows. They just rise to the ground when the air becomes saturated and the temperature is at the right level. Therefore, we can only record Powelliphanta snails in captivity.

Picture 1 of Shivered by the snail 6,000 teeth that eat deep in the earth like monsters in the movie

In the video, the snail gently and gently glides across the wet vegetation in the dark. Although its movement seems slow, the moment snails kill prey, it only happens in the blink of an eye. At an unexpected speed, the snail sucked into the mouth, folding its prey to swallow it all.

So far, this snail's way of finding food is still a mystery. But what is certain is that they have an unusual taste and are very voracious.

Update 24 May 2019


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