'Search' the slide while PowerPoint presentation is in progress
In the middle of the presentation, suddenly you need to open another slide to illustrate or answer the listener's question. Of course, you can use the arrow keys and click to move back and forth between files as usual.
'Search' the slide while PowerPoint presentation is in progress Picture 1 Or go back to PowerPoint's work window and distract the listener when showing off the menu, the order and the number of slides. However, this method is very unprofessional. Unless you have carefully created the previous link, the following tips will help you quickly open the slide without revealing the content of other slides. First, press the letter A or move the mouse across the screen to open the slide show menu and go to Go to Slide. The list of slides in the presentation file will appear. The rest of your work is to remember and choose the exact slide to open (see picture).
Hoang Dung
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