Scientists conclude that the universe should have been wiped out since its formation

According to scientists at the European Nuclear Research Organization (CERN), the universe should not exist. Because matter and antimatter should have 'annihilated' each other, the universe was wiped out when it first formed.

According to scientists at the European Nuclear Research Organization (CERN), the universe should not exist. Because matter and antimatter should have 'annihilated' each other, the universe was wiped out when it first formed.

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According to previous studies, the amount of matter and antimatter in the early period of the universe was completely equal. At that time, they would destroy each other, leaving no material like today.

Picture 1 of Scientists conclude that the universe should have been wiped out since its formation

The existence of the universe is still a riddle to scientists.(Photo: Daily Express.)

To explain the cause of the universe that still exists today, scientists try to find the difference between matter and antimatter in many ways like mass or charge, but still find no other special.

Dr. Christian Smorra from CERN said that he and his colleagues conducted new research to test the possibility of different matter and antimatter properties in magnetism. They carefully measured and detailed the antiprotons to see how they differed from normal protons.

However, the results show that their magnetism is the same. So the journey to find a solution to the existence of the universe goes into a dead end.

The team still did not give up. They hoped to study more detailed antiprotons to find out if there was any difference to decipher the mystery of the existence of the universe.

Update 24 May 2019


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