Elements of the universe

To date, scientists agree that the universe has three distinct parts: measurable matter, dark energy, and dark matter.

To date, scientists agree that the universe has three distinct parts:

  1. Matter can be observed and measured.
  2. Dark matter and dark energy. These are 2 theoretical components, scientists so far have not been able to measure directly.

But even without a full understanding of these mysterious pieces of the universe, scientists can speculate that the composition of the universe can be broken down as follows:

  1. Dark energy: accounting for 68%. This invisible energy species in the universe is formed from Einstein's theory of general relativity and is directly related to the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.
  2. Dark matter: 27%. Closely related to gravity, which plays a role in holding the universe together.
  3. Free Hydrogen and Helium: 4%, are free-floating elements in space.
  4. Stars and planets: 0.3%
  5. Heavy elements: 0.03%, are all elements other than hydrogen and helium.

Scientists are still trying to understand the properties that make up dark energy and dark matter.

NASA plans to launch the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, an infrared telescope, in 2027 to measure the effects of dark energy and dark matter.

Scientists are uncertain as to what is beyond the universe. It has been hypothesized that there could be a larger 'super universe' containing us, or that we could be part of a multiverse. But so far, scientists have not been able to solve the mysteries of the universe.

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