After all the mysterious material that occupies more than half of the universe hidden for billions of years has been discovered

Scientists formally confirmed the location of the mysterious material that the universe has hidden for billions of years.

Scientists formally confirmed the location of the mysterious material that the universe has hidden for billions of years.

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According to scientists, the universe is made up of three elements: dark matter, dark energy, and regular matter. But now, we have only been identified about 50% of ordinary matter, and there is no clue about dark matter and energy.

After all the mysterious material that occupies more than half of the universe hidden for billions of years has been discovered Picture 1After all the mysterious material that occupies more than half of the universe hidden for billions of years has been discovered Picture 1

According to the theory of experts, matter often lurks in the space between galaxies. They consist of the fundamental particles of protons, neutrons and electrons.

But recent research by two completely separate groups of astrophysicists from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and the Astrophysics Institute (Orsay, France) has just confirmed this.

The research results show that the mysterious amount of matter lies in the air fibers connecting the galaxies together . The telescope cannot directly observe this gas because it is very hot but has extremely low density.

Fortunately, this gas leaves very characteristic signs inside Background Radiation (CMB) - the concept of the first radiation of the cylinder, originating from the Big Bang. The electron from this gas collides with low-energy photons from CMB, depriving it of some energy and causing CMB to change.

After all the mysterious material that occupies more than half of the universe hidden for billions of years has been discovered Picture 2After all the mysterious material that occupies more than half of the universe hidden for billions of years has been discovered Picture 2
More than half of the ordinary matter in the universe lurks in the interconnected area of ​​galaxies.

This effect cannot be observed with a space telescope so the two research groups are forced to come up with another solution.

The researchers picked out pairs of galaxies and predicted where the fibers could appear on the CMB map. They then combined the signals together and obtained more than 1 million such signals.

After all the mysterious material that occupies more than half of the universe hidden for billions of years has been discovered Picture 3After all the mysterious material that occupies more than half of the universe hidden for billions of years has been discovered Picture 3

According to Dr. Hideki Tanimura, head of a research group, the space between the galaxies is much denser than we had imagined. Here, the amount of hot air is three times higher than the average physical density in the universe. Even in the study of the group led by Dr. Anna de Graaff, the number is still up to 6 times.

Dr. Tanimura shared: "After all, one of the mysterious materials of the universe has been decoded."

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