Prncnfg command in Windows

(Applies to Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

(Applies to Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012).

Configure or display information about printer configuration.

Syntax command prncnfg

 cscript Prncnfg {-g | -t | -x | -?} [-S] [-P] [-z] [-u] [-w] [-r] [-l] [-h] [-m] [-f] [-y] [-st ] [-ut] [-i] [-o] [<+ | -> shared] [<+ | -> direct] [<+ | -> hidden] [<+ | -> published] [<+ | - > rawonly] [<+ | -> queued] [<+ | -> enablebidi] [<+ | -> keepprintedjobs] [<+ | -> workoffline] [<+ | -> enabledevq] [<+ | -> docompletefirst ] 

Command parameter prncnfg




Displays information about printer configuration.


Configure the printer.


Change the printer name.


Specify the name of the remote computer that the printer store you want to manage.If you do not specify a computer, the local computer will be used as the default.


Required parameters.Specify the name of the printer you want to manage.


Specify a new printer name.-X and -P parameters required.

-u -w

Specify an account that has the right to connect to the printer storage computer that you want to manage.All members in the local administrator group of the target computer of the command have these rights, but the above terms can also be granted to other users as well.If you do not specify an account, you must log in with an account with these permissions in order for the command to work.


Specify the port where the printer is connected.If this is a parallel port or serial port, use that port's ID (eg LPT1 or COM1).If this is a TCP / IP port, use the specified port name when the port is added.


Specify the printer location, such as "copy Room".


Specify the printer's shared name.


Specify the comment string of the printer.


Specify the file containing the text that appears on the separator page.


Specify the data types that the printer can accept.


Configure the printer to limit availability.Specify the available date of the printer.If you send the document to the printer when it is not available, the document will be kept (rolled) until the printer is available.You must specify the time according to the 24-hour clock.For example, to specify 11:00 pm, enter 2300.


Configure the printer to limit availability.Specify the time of day that the printer is no longer available.If you send the document to the printer when it is not available, the document will be kept (rolled) until the printer is available.You must specify the time according to the 24-hour clock.For example, to specify 11:00 pm, enter 2300.


Specify the priority that the buffer uses to route print jobs to the print queue.Higher priority print queues will be deployed before any lower priority queues.


Specify the default priority assigned to each print job.

{+ | -} shared

Specify whether this printer is shared on the network.

{+ | -} direct

Specify whether the document should be sent directly to the printer being spooled (the spool is to store document data in a queue, where the data is waiting to be printed).

{+ | -} published

Specify whether this printer is public in the active directory.If you publish the printer, other users can search for the printer based on the location and capabilities of the printer (such as color printing and pins).

{+ | -} hidden

Reserve function.

{+ | -} rawonly

Specify whether only the raw data related tasks can be spooled in this queue.

{+ |-} queued

Specifies that the printer will not start printing until after the last page of the document is spooled.The printing program will not be available until the printed document is finished.However, using this parameter ensures that all documents are available for the printer.

{+ |-} keepprintedjobs

Specify whether the buffer should retain documents after they are printed.Enabling this option allows users to resend the document to the printer from the print queue instead of from the print program.

{+ |-} workoffline

Specify whether the user can send the print job to the print queue if the computer is not connected to the network.

{+ |-} enabledevq

Specify whether the print jobs do not match the printer settings (for example, PostScript files placed on non-PostScript printers) must be kept in the queue instead of printed.

{+ |-} docompletefirst

Specify whether the buffer should send lower priority print jobs, but have finished rolling the data before sending higher priority jobs, but have not completed good data scrolling. is not.If this option is enabled and no documents have finished scrolling, the buffer will send larger documents before smaller documents.You should enable this option if you want to maximize printer performance with job priority.If this option is disabled, the buffer always sends higher priority tasks to their respective queues first by default.

{+ |-} enablebidi

Specify whether the printer sends status information to the buffer.


Show help at the command prompt.

Prncnfg command statement

The prncnfg command is a Visual Basic script located in the% WINdir% System32printing_Admin_Scripts folder. To use this command, at the command prompt, type cscript followed by the full path to the prncnfg file or change the directory to the appropriate directory.For example:

 cscript% WINdir% System32printing_Admin_Scriptsen-USprncnfg 

If the information you provide contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "computer Name").

For example prncnfg command

To display configuration information for a printer named colorprinter_2 with the print queue stored by the remote computer named HRServer, enter:

 cscript prncnfg -g -S HRServer -P colorprinter_2 

Configure the printer named colorprinter_2 so that the buffer in the remote computer named HRServer stores the print jobs after they are executed, enter:

 cscript prncnfg -t -S HRServer -P colorprinter_2 + keepprintedjobs 

To change the name of the printer on the remote computer named HRServer, from colorprinter_2 to colorprinter 3, type:

 cscript prncnfg -x -S HRServer -P colorprinter_2 -z "colorprinter 3" 

See more:

  1. The print command in Windows
  2. The net print command in Windows
  3. Netcfg command in Windows
  4. Nbtstat command in Windows
Update 26 May 2019


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