Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

Age of Empires 2 (abbreviated: AoE 2) launched on the market with many new, updated features compared to the old version, not only in graphics but also in content.

Age of Empires 2 (abbreviated: AoE 2) launched on the market with many new, updated features compared to the old version, not only in graphics but also in content. Join TipsMake to learn in more detail the factors that make AoE 2 successful through the following article.

Overview of the game AoE 2

Age Of Empires 2 (or Empire 2) is a strategy game genre produced and released in 1999 by Microsoft Game Studios. This game is supported to play on Windows or Steam platforms. 

Entering the world of AoE 2, the first thing players need to do is choose one of 13 Medieval civilizations to survive and develop. Each civilization possesses unique characteristics in terms of attributes, shapes, and different types of soldiers corresponding to the personality and preferences of each player.

Picture 1 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

During the AoE 2 experience, the player's main task is to continuously explore the territory and conduct wars of aggression against each other to compete for resources, arms races, etc. All aimed at a goal. One end goal is to become the ruler of the region or the ruler of the world. 

To realize their dream, players are forced to do tasks such as training troops, collecting resources, etc. continuously to give themselves more advantages over their opponents before attacks and attacks. defense.

Detailed information about AoE 2: 

Category  Tactic
Graphics  3D
Regime  Single player/Multiplayer
Age  12+
Publisher Microsoft Game Studios
Communication Windows/Steam
Release date September 30, 1999
Game price  Charges

>> See more: How to download the classic childhood legendary Pikachu animal connection game.


After logging into the game, players will begin to choose a suitable civilization to live in. There, your mission is to upgrade the area you live in into a state through 4 periods including Dark, Feudal, Medieval and Imperial. 

In each period, the system will unlock new features for players such as troops, buildings and new technology to help increase player power. 

In the civilization that the player chooses, initially there is only a small group of a few people who survive by hunting and gathering. The task that AoE 2 players need to perform is to develop their members and build their territory into a powerful empire. 

Picture 2 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

Players must do the tasks required by the system to collect resources to serve construction and military purposes. After having strong resources, players will begin the process of invading neighboring strongholds to expand their territory and collect more resources for their country. The process continuously repeats until the player conquers all strongholds on the map. 

In the game AoE 2, players are required to conduct conquests of other city-states to serve the area they govern because each territory has a limited amount of resources. If players use up all the resources in their area, they will be at risk of being invaded by opponents. Therefore, immersive gameplay is not an effective strategy in AoE 2 game. 

Game mode

In order to increase the appeal and drama of the AoE 2 game, the publisher provides players with two modes to experience:

  1. Single – player (Single player mode/ Offline): 

This is a single-player mode, your opponents are computer-controlled strongholds. Successfully going through each stage, the difficulty will gradually upgrade. However, players of this mode can adjust the difficulty as desired through each level. In particular, in single player mode, you can still log in and experience without needing Wifi. 

Picture 3 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Multiplayer (Multiplayer/Online game mode):

This is a mode that allows many people to play together with a maximum allowed number of 8 people. Logging into the game, players will choose the strongholds they want with the ultimate goal of conquering the strongholds of other players. To experience this mode, players need to connect the device to wifi. 

Picture 4 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today


The interesting point in AoE 2 is that the technological features will be handled by a soldier unit related to a certain field. For example, for villagers, the technology that needs upgrading will belong to the economic and agricultural fields.

The technologies that players need to upgrade will serve a certain purpose. Specifically, military technology focuses on producing and upgrading modern weapons and armor to equip soldiers to improve combat power. Or with religious technology, it will focus on exploiting magical moves such as hail, thunder,. with more powerful power.

Picture 5 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

Players will need to strain their brains to calculate and choose technologies that require a lot of time and resources to increase the rate of taking over strongholds and resources. 

Each time the technology is upgraded, the cost will increase by one level, so through each stage the player needs to spend time accumulating resources. In each civilization, there will be its own technology. And technology is one of the strategic and vital elements in this attractive strategy game. When players possess more advanced technology platforms than their opponents, your chances of surviving to the last minute will increase. 


The army plays a very important role in the player's career in AoE 2. Whether the player can keep his stronghold alive and grow will depend on the army he builds. 

In AoE 2, players will divide the number of soldiers in their army into many types of small armies held in different areas such as:

The army on land includes: 

  1. Villagers: This is considered the most basic unit in the game and is responsible for collecting resources, building buildings as well as repairing buildings and protecting territory when necessary. Unlike the game version AoE 1, when the villagers were only men, in the new version, the manufacturer has updated the number of men and women with equal labor capacity.

Picture 6 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Priest: This is a support force with many combat advantages such as healing, increasing attack and defense capabilities for own troops and allies. 

Picture 7 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Infantry: Is a component that has an advantage in strength and can destroy entire buildings, but is weak against cavalry.
  2. Cavalry: A type of soldier that moves quickly and is extremely strong when encountering infantry. However, the weakness is that it is easy to be shot down by archers.

Picture 8 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Archers: This soldier has the weakness of having very low health but high damage. 
  2. Siege troops: This is a force of soldiers using two types of weapons: Catapults and Arrow Carts. Although both weapons deal huge damage over a wide range. However, the drawback is that the movement speed is very slow. Using the Catapult will be suitable for attacking strongholds and destroying buildings. As for the Arrow Vehicle, it is suitable for massacring enemy soldiers. 

The maritime army includes: 

Compared to the army at sea, the land army plays a secondary role in battles. However, the army at sea still held certain advantages that contributed to the overall victory for the empire. 

  1. Fishing boats: This component includes fishermen who hold the same function as villagers with the task of collecting resources and food at sea. 
  2. Merchant ship: This component has the function of bringing resources stored in warehouses to trade to create currency for the national treasury. 

Picture 9 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Transport boats: Transport troops overland to other shores in large numbers. 
  2. Warship: This is the main force when fighting at sea. Warships can cause extremely strong damage to opponent's ships as well as destroy structures at sea within their shooting range. 

Picture 10 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

Comparing civilizations, most of the military types are similar, but in terms of shape and function, each type is very different. Each type of soldier will take on its own functions, players need to skillfully apply and coordinate to take full advantage of the army's strengths to increase the possibility of victory. This is also the attraction of this AoE 2 strategy game. 


Projects in the game are divided into many categories including:

  1. Main House: This is one of the most important buildings in AoE 2. The main function of this building is to create villagers and upgrade the period. 
  2. Housing: This is the category that holds the function of increasing the maximum number of troops that the player has the right to summon. The number of houses in the game is limited, so players need to consider to create an effective strategy. 

Picture 11 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Protection works: This is a structure that functions to protect the citadel from enemy invasion. Constructions such as city walls and watchtowers are typical protective works.
  2. Archery school: This is where soldiers who are archers are created as well as upgraded accessories for archers. 
  3. Stables: This is where cavalry is produced as well as accessories used to upgrade the strength of cavalry.
  4. Weapon workshop: This place creates catapults and arrow-shooting vehicles along with accessories used to upgrade the power of these two types of siege vehicles. 
  5. Temple: Is where mages and main skills are created for fighting.
  6. Farm: This place is used to grow crops and produce food for people and soldiers to live on.
  7. Granary, Warehouse and main house: This is the place used to preserve food and resources that villagers bring. 

Picture 12 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Warehouse, Market and Administrative Center & Temple: This is a place used for the purpose of researching technological techniques to increase the strength of groups of soldiers.
  2. Granary: This is a place used to research and upgrade Watchtowers and Walls. 
  3. Wonders: These are beautiful landscapes just like in real life. In AoE 2, each civilization possesses its own unique wonders. To build a wonder will cost players a lot of research and construction time. But in return, players will gain more benefits if they keep the wonder's existence longer. 

Picture 13 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today


The publisher understands players' psychology very well, so they have built an extremely large AoE 2 world with many areas to increase experience and curiosity when exploring new lands. We can mention the maps available in the game such as: 

  1. Ice map: In this map area, there is white snow everywhere. 

Picture 14 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Steppe map: An area characterized by green and dense grass and trees. 

Picture 15 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

  1. Swamp map: This map area has very little dry land, the terrain is mainly muddy and slimy water. 
  2. Desert map: In this area, the surrounding landscape is just a few single plants like cacti. the rest is just sand and wind. 

Picture 16 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

Story in the game

The game AoE 2 is built with a cultural context rich in Medieval style. After logging into the game, players will begin to transform into a dominant general and help their civilization develop strongly. 

As mentioned, the world in AoE 2 includes 13 civilizations including British, Byzantine, Celtic, Goth, Frankish, Teutonic, Mongol, Chinese, Persian, Ottoman, Japanese, Viking and Saracen.

Picture 17 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today

Each civilization exists with different typical characteristics in shape, soldiers, etc. It is this diversity and difference that attracts and attracts players to want to experience and explore. The countries in the game will constantly struggle to expand territory and gain resources.

In addition, players also have the opportunity to learn more about real historical knowledge corresponding to the 5 periods of AoE 2 such as Genghis Khan's invasion of Eastern Europe, Barbarossa's Crusade or the Crusade Campaign. Jeanne d'Arce and the Wallace Campaign…. 

AoE 2 game review 

Compared to the first version, the new version of AoE released to the market has brought me more resounding success. The game has had more modern improvements and updates in graphics and sound. Specifically:


AoE 2 game is designed using true 3D graphics technology with clear image quality and higher resolution than the previous version. 

In addition, the publisher also focuses on increasing the number of women to approximately equal the number of men to balance the gender ratio. At the same time, the game has also improved many elements such as expanding civilizations, upgrading technology as well as building a variety of character shapes in each civilization. 

Picture 18 of Overview of the hottest AOE 2 strategy game today


Not focusing on graphics, the sound in the game has also been improved by the publisher with better quality. Players can now no longer hear the buzzing sounds when wearing headphones like in part 1. 

Moreover, the scenery surrounding the game AoE 2 is also voiced to become more vivid such as bird chirping, character voices or moving vehicles. All are combined and blended together in a rhythmic way. , stimulating players to enjoy sublime entertainment moments. 

Minimum configuration for AoE gaming

To experience the AoE 2 game smoothly and stably, limiting lag that reduces inspiration, the publisher has suggested to players the minimum requirements for device configuration. Specifically:

Operating system Windows 10 64bit
Processor 2.4 Ghz i5 or greater AMD equivalent
Memory 8GB RAM
Graphic card Nvidia® GTX 650 AMD HD 5850 
Capacity 30 GB

Download game Empire 2

Experience entertainment with the most attractive game Empire 2, second in the current Strategy game genre rankings on Windows or Steam platforms through the link: https://www.ageofempires.com/news/aoe-sale -112020/


Above is general information about the game AoE 2, hopefully it will help players understand some of the features that make this top strategy game attractive. If you find the article interesting and useful, please share it more for everyone to read. Thank you for following the article!

Update 13 December 2023


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