OLPC tablet computer is less than 1 cm thin

OLPC Project (One Laptop per Child - Every Child with a Laptop) has just introduced the design for the XO-3 version, which is expected to cost 75 USD in 2012.

OLPC Project (One Laptop per Child - Every Child with a Laptop) has just introduced the design for the XO-3 version, which is expected to cost 75 USD in 2012.

OLPC is a project introduced by MIT Institute of Technology (USA) in 2005 to produce low-cost computers of US $ 100, but the first XO system shipped at the end of 2007 is priced at up to US $ 180.

Before the trend of tablet PC (tablet PC), XO-3 will have a touch screen, the handle is a small ring on the left and rear camera. The product uses battery charging technology through Palm Pre-like coils and is only half the size of an iPhone (about 0.7 cm).

Picture 1 of OLPC tablet computer is less than 1 cm thin

Picture 2 of OLPC tablet computer is less than 1 cm thin

Picture 3 of OLPC tablet computer is less than 1 cm thin

Picture 4 of OLPC tablet computer is less than 1 cm thin

Picture 5 of OLPC tablet computer is less than 1 cm thin

Update 25 May 2019


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