Oddly the two ancient skeletons excavated at the cemetery in London are of Chinese origin

History The ancient Roman Empire was 'disturbed' when it found two Chinese skeletons in this area.

History The ancient Roman Empire was " disturbed " when it found two Chinese skeletons.

Accordingly, the incident was discovered in an ancient London cemetery of the Roman Empire in Lant City, Southwark, England.

The new discovery shows that in this area, two skeletons may be Chinese . Synonymous with this discovery is disrupting the history of recorded before the ancient Roman empire.

Picture 1 of Oddly the two ancient skeletons excavated at the cemetery in London are of Chinese origin
Photo source: Internet.

Using advanced excavation technology, archaeological analysis, a group of archaeologists and scientists examined the enamel samples of more than 20 ancient skeletons and found that two of them were bone of Chinese people. estimated in the 2nd century 4th century BC.

Dr Rebecca Redfern, who is in charge of archeological anthropology at the London Museum, said this is the second time that the archeology has found remains of Asian ancestors in the archaeological area of ​​the ancient Roman Empire. great.

This means that the Roman Empire and China may have had more historical, cultural, and commercial interaction than what history books recorded leaving outside the famous Chinese Silk Road .

Picture 2 of Oddly the two ancient skeletons excavated at the cemetery in London are of Chinese origin
Photo source: Internet.

Earlier, a group of archaeologists also found an ancient Chinese man's bone right at the Vagnari, Italy cemetery in the ancient Roman empire. Marking the rich and diverse intercultural nature between the Roman Empire and China may have existed for a long time compared to what we thought before.

Writing in the Journal of Archaeological Science, Dr. Redfern said: " The expansion of the Roman empire in most Western European countries and the Mediterranean has led to the assimilation and interaction of many ethnic and geographies. community diversity in many regions, other countries can mention as China '.

And at the same time the power to acquire commercial cooperation between the Roman empire of European countries and the countries of Africa, India and China may also have existed for a long time. And this may be the remains of a Chinese trader who settled in the area or even had a private Chinese business community in the area that we have not yet discovered.

However, in his journal article, Dr. Redfern added that this remains could be an Asian commercial slave sent to Rome.

Huynh Dung ( According to Independent)

Update 24 May 2019


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