New findings: Omega-3 supplements can improve children's reading ability

A new experiment shows that the new role is extremely important but equally interesting of Omega-3.

An experiment shows that the new role is extremely important but equally interesting of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Accordingly, the lead research group, Dr. Mats Johnson of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has conducted a small experiment, showing that fatty acids often appear in fish, seafood, some algae called Omega-3 has the ability to improve reading ability in children from 9 to 10 years old.

The study was conducted in 154 students aged 9 to 10 years in Swedish schools.

These children were divided into two subjects, on the one hand, they were given omega-3 oil, the other side, the placebo drink was essentially palm oil. And the process of taking these two drugs is silently hidden to conduct research for three months.

Picture 1 of New findings: Omega-3 supplements can improve children's reading ability
This research has just been published in the Journal of Child Psychology.(Image source: Internet.)

After that, they were allowed to take part in testing an online exam on a computer called Logos and the scientists conducted a detailed examination of the reading speed, the ability to identify meaningful vocabulary. , meaningless . before and after taking medicine.

The results of the following test for supplementation with omega-3 supplements and placebo showed that the children were supplemented with omega-3 fatty acid oil capsules with a great readability, fast reading speed, fluency, ability. Identifying meaningful words and fast nonsense surpasses those of children who only get placebo palm oil.

>> Don't miss: Omega 3 fish oil is the best

' However, it is worrisome that the amount of omega-3 in children's daily meals is not properly recognized and supplemented by parents so it partly reduces other children's abilities like ability to perceive, read, think . '- Dr. Mats Johnson said in a statement.

Huynh Dung ( According to Newkerala)

Update 24 May 2019


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