Mysterious jewel 3500 years old, other evidence of 'piercing' makes scientists confused

Strange mysteries hidden in the 3500-year-old jewel challenge intellectual scientists.

Strange mysteries hidden in the 3500-year-old jewel challenge intellectual scientists.

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In 2015, archaeologists discovered a tomb containing treasure in an olive forest near the ancient city of Pylos (Greece). According to research, it is the treasure of an ancient Greek warrior named "Griffin Warrior". This treasure is buried with him.

In the ancient tomb, there are 3,000 objects including many weapons, cups and armor made of gold and silver and 50 gold and precious seals engraved with very complex images.

Especially among them is a 3,500-year-old jewel that still retains its shape and contains the best touches. Even archaeologists also rated it on par with the greatest art works of the ancient world.

This special jewel is about the size of a thumb, about 3.6cm long. The elaborate and sophisticated image on it depicts the fierce three-way war between three warriors, a warrior who kills two enemies. This war was named by the experts as ' Pylos Combat Agate '.

Picture 1 of Mysterious jewel 3500 years old, other evidence of 'piercing' makes scientists confused

Sophisticated carvings on a 3,500-year-old gem only 3.6cm long.Source: University of Cincinnati (USA).

After observing the microscope, the archaeologists were extremely surprised to discover that this is one of the most beautiful and mysterious works of prehistoric Greek art ever discovered. They found two particularly unusual things.

Picture 2 of Mysterious jewel 3500 years old, other evidence of 'piercing' makes scientists confused

The image reproducing the battle "Pylos Combat Agate" carved on the jewel.Source: University of Cincinnati (USA).

First, what did prehistoric people do and how could it be meticulously and sophisticatedly carved into the battle image "Pylos Combat Agate" in a jewel just 3.6 cm long? This sculpting technique has never been discovered on anything found in the Bronze Age.

Dr. Jack Davis, a member of the research team, said the warrior's body was touched in detail to every muscle. This is something that cannot be found until the classical period of Greek art era 1000 years later.

Picture 3 of Mysterious jewel 3500 years old, other evidence of 'piercing' makes scientists confused

The muscular soldier's muscles were meticulously carved.Source: UC Magazine - Cincinnati University (USA).

The second is about the battle scene "Pylos Combat Agate". Experts say it is likely that this war is like a description of the battle from the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer - the excellent ancient Greek poet.

Update 24 May 2019


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