Archaeologists explore the 2,000-year-old tomb in Alexandria and 300 strange artifacts

A 2,000-year-old tomb contains about 300 artifacts surveyed by a group of Egyptian archaeologists at Alexandria.

A 2,000-year-old tomb contains about 300 artifacts surveyed by a group of Egyptian archaeologists at Alexandria.

Accordingly, this ancient tomb is found in the Shatby neighborhood of Alexandria, where many ancient cemeteries, graveyards and tombs are gathered from different periods and the most recent discovery shows that this grave may belong Hellenistic period of Egypt (circa 305 BC - 30 BC).

According to the archaeological group's statement, the owner of this ancient tomb has not been determined yet, but it has characteristics of typical Greek culture.

Archaeologists explore the 2,000-year-old tomb in Alexandria and 300 strange artifacts Picture 1Archaeologists explore the 2,000-year-old tomb in Alexandria and 300 strange artifacts Picture 1
This mausoleum consists of four rooms, each containing some specific artifacts of a burial room, decorated with colorful geometric patterns and fragmented Greek funeral documents.

Among the 300 artifacts discovered in this structure are many types of pottery, oil lamps and boats and a terracotta statue of a man.

The Egyptian Archeology Department affirmed that archaeologists will conduct further studies on the tomb, conduct a search of contents to determine the owner, the buryer or any related information. Any other about this tomb.

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