Minimize risks from security attacks

Increasing strict control of employee software installation will help companies improve the network security situation.

Picture 1 of Minimize risks from security attacks
Increasing strict control of employee software installation will help companies improve the network security situation.

Most network security problems have a common cause: end users (end-users) install or run programs that are not managed or not approved by network administrators (admin) . Most attacks on network security occur because users accidentally install malware (malware is software that corrupts application program functionality, trying to hide, avoid being detected by the malware). anti-spyware, virus and system utilities), in which many programs are very dangerous and will be attacked immediately after installation such as viruses, worms (worms), Trojans, and spyware (spyware).

Meanwhile, there are many other programs that were very helpful at first but then facilitated other forms of security attacks to appear. It can be said that any software installation action, whether it is Skype, Java, RealPlayer, Firefox, QuickTime, iTunes, or even anti-virus software, increases the risk of attack. For example, if the company allows employees to install Macromedia's Flash tools, the computer system may be attacked by malicious Flash control codes. Or install fast search toolbars or search from Google's desktop, the secret information in the computer is also in danger of being retrieved. Even if the company allows employees to use personal CDs on the company's computer, the risk of malware malware penetration is also very high.

Therefore, what companies need to do to minimize network security weaknesses are: Control software installed and applied by employees; recognize which web browser add-ins are running on the machine and which ActiveX controls are installed (ActiveX controls are standard systems for building components in the environment Windows school); IT professionals must control at the highest level and proceed with the installation license. Of course, these measures are often said to be costly in time and money, but in fact, it will be impervious when compared to the time and money that companies have to spend when battling malware. , viruses, worms, Trojans, spam and other forms of attack.

Although, in fact, controlling 100% of what employees install or download from the Internet is nearly impossible, but companies can also control computer security risks if built. a control plan on the basis of considering the following factors:

- Set up and educate employees about the company's software installation policy, for example, they must know that the software they intend to install requires admin approval.

- Encourage employees what types of software to avoid installing, make them understand that any software is potentially, more or less, directly or indirectly, the risks to network security.

- Provide a mechanism that allows admin to know what programs employees are running on their computers. If the company cannot control the installation, it is necessary to know which programs the employees are running.

- Build a process to ensure new applications are installed safely, such as companies that want to remove some software applications such as file sharing (file-sharing) or peer-to- peer.

- Make sure to enable auto-update, if available, of the software. However, this feature should not be completely trusted because some new versions of the software are unable to remove older, vulnerable code like Sun's new versions of Adobe Acrobat or Java. Microsystems.

- Remove all programs with high security risks, along with penalties for recidivists in software installation.

- Set up a method to monitor content layers to prevent unlicensed protocols from entering the computer system when installing application programs.

- Raise admin's awareness of new programs and ask them to immediately report to the IT Manager about the newly discovered risks for analysis and timely measures.

One thing is for sure, office workers will continue to install, download more and more software and so the threat to network security will be unpredictable. What we can do is control what is installed and running on managed computers.

Ba Lam

Update 26 May 2019


Mac OS X



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