McAfee released the WebAdvisor extension for Microsoft Edge for free on Microsoft Store

Windows 10 users can download and use the WebAdvisor extension to make surfing safer now!

McAfee, a famous global security software company, has released a free WebAdvisor extension for Microsoft Edge Browser on Microsoft Store. Windows 10 users can download and use the utility to make this web surfing safer now!

WebAdvisor helps protect devices using Windows 10 from the attack of malware or fraudulent tricks of hackers to be able to surf the web comfortably and much more safely without affecting the performance of the computer. User or user experience.

McAfee released the WebAdvisor extension for Microsoft Edge for free on Microsoft Store Picture 1McAfee released the WebAdvisor extension for Microsoft Edge for free on Microsoft Store Picture 1

The outstanding features of the WebAdvisor security utility were introduced by McAfee on Microsoft Store:

Surf the web safer: McAfee WebAdvisor helps determine the security of the website you are visiting. Evaluating the site's security level will appear right to the search server results (like Google, Bing, .).

Helping users to experience web surfing on Microsoft Edge more safely and comfortably, even this security utility can even block unsafe web pages before it can do something dangerous and give notice about the hazards found for users.

Any site that accidentally leads to content containing malicious elements will be identified and prevented from helping you read the contents of the safe.

McAfee released the WebAdvisor extension for Microsoft Edge for free on Microsoft Store Picture 2McAfee released the WebAdvisor extension for Microsoft Edge for free on Microsoft Store Picture 2

Below is the link to download the WebAdvisor extension for Microsoft Edge for free on Microsoft Store.

McAfee WebAdvisor - Microsoft Store micro-VN

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  2. Do you know what browser supports Windows 10 Mobile extensions?
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