Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position
With this exercise, we will show you how to create an object that will move with the mouse click position using the Action Script.
Step 1
Create a new Flash file and set Width and Height to 300px. Frame rate set to 45fps (Frame number per second)
Step 2
Double click on layer 1 and rename it to Background . Set the background color to # B8FECA or whatever color you like.
Step 3
Add a new layer and name it Object . Then create any object that you want it to run according to the click position.
Step 4
Select the object you created (Ctrl + A) and press F8 on the keyboard ( Convert to Symbol ) to convert it into a Movie Clip.
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 1
Step 5
Select Movie Clip ' Ob ject'> open Properties (Ctrl + F3) and enter the object content (as shown below).
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 2
Step 6
Continue to select the object, open the Action Script (F9) and enter the following script content:
onClipEvent (load) {
friction = "0.18";
targetx = Random (300) +20;
targety = Random (300) +20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
mouse_x = int (targetx-this._x);
mouse_y = int (targety-this._y);
if (mouse_x> 0 && mouse_y> 0) {
quad = Number (4);
if (mouse_x0) {
quad = Number (1);
if (mouse_xquad = Number (2);
if (mouse_x> 0 && mouse_y <0) {
quad = Number (3);
abs_x = Math.abs (mouse_x);
abs_y = Math.abs (mouse_y);
tg = abs_y / abs_x;
_root.maths = Math.atan (tg) * Number (180) /Math.PI;
if (quad == 1) {angle = number (90) - number (_root.maths)}
if (quad == 2) {angle = number (90) + number (_root.maths)}
if (quad == 3) {angle = number (270) - number (_root.maths)}
if (quad == 4) {angle = number (270) + number (_root.maths)}
if (not _root.done) {setProperty (_this, _rotation, angle); _root.done = true} _root.done = true}
speedx = difx * friction;
speedy = dify * friction;
setProperty (this, _y, _root.object._y + speedy);
setProperty (this, _x, _root.object._x + speedx);
difx = int (targetx) -this._x;
dify = int (targety) -this._y;
Step 7
Add a new layer and name it Circle . Select the Oval Tool (O)
- Fill Color : to colorless mode
- Stroke color : choose the color you like
- The contours of the circle: select the stroke or whatever you want
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 3
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 4
Step 8
Select the circle and press F8 to convert that circle into a Movie Clip
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 5
Step 9
Still select Movie Clip ' Circle '> Properties (Ctrl + F3) and enter the circle content for the part
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 6
Step 10
Double-click on the Movie Clip ' Circle ' or right-click and choose Edit in Place .
Step 11
Still select the circle> press F8 key to convert it to Movie Clip and name it circle_inside
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 7
Step 12
Click Frame 10 and press F6 key. Then open Action Script and enter the following script:
gotoAndPlay (1);
Step 13
Return to Frame 1, open Properties
- At Tween choose Motion
- At Rotate choose CCW
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 8
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 9
Step 14
Go back to the main scene (Scene 1), select the Circle layer, open Action Acript (F9) and enter the following script content:
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
_root.drag = this;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
_root.difx = this._x- _root.object._x;
_root.object.targetx = this._x;
_root.dify = this._y- _root.object._y;
_root.object.targety = this._y;
_root.done = False
Step 15
Add a new layer and name it Action Script. Open the Action Script panel (F9) and enter the following script:
stop ();
And now you just need to check your results by pressing Ctrl + Enter or otherwise you can get the complete file here.
You should read it
- How to create and run a PowerShell script file on Windows 10
- Macromedia Flash - Dynamic cursor object
- Macromedia Flash - Move objects
- How to enter formulas in Excel
- Macromedia Flash - Push objects away from the cursor
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- Managing Windows networks using Script - Part 13: The script returns all values
- Macromedia Flash - Advanced masking with action script
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- The object () function in Python
- Learn Class and Object in Python
- Macromedia Flash - Advanced icon in the flash menu