Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 1
Step 5
Select Movie Clip ' Ob ject'> open Properties (Ctrl + F3) and enter the object content (as shown below).
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 2
Step 6
Continue to select the object, open the Action Script (F9) and enter the following script content:
onClipEvent (load) {
friction = "0.18";
targetx = Random (300) +20;
targety = Random (300) +20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
mouse_x = int (targetx-this._x);
mouse_y = int (targety-this._y);
if (mouse_x> 0 && mouse_y> 0) {
quad = Number (4);
if (mouse_x0) {
quad = Number (1);
if (mouse_xquad = Number (2);
if (mouse_x> 0 && mouse_y <0) {
quad = Number (3);
abs_x = Math.abs (mouse_x);
abs_y = Math.abs (mouse_y);
tg = abs_y / abs_x;
_root.maths = Math.atan (tg) * Number (180) /Math.PI;
if (quad == 1) {angle = number (90) - number (_root.maths)}
if (quad == 2) {angle = number (90) + number (_root.maths)}
if (quad == 3) {angle = number (270) - number (_root.maths)}
if (quad == 4) {angle = number (270) + number (_root.maths)}
if (not _root.done) {setProperty (_this, _rotation, angle); _root.done = true} _root.done = true}
speedx = difx * friction;
speedy = dify * friction;
setProperty (this, _y, _root.object._y + speedy);
setProperty (this, _x, _root.object._x + speedx);
difx = int (targetx) -this._x;
dify = int (targety) -this._y;
Step 7
Add a new layer and name it Circle . Select the Oval Tool (O)
- Fill Color : to colorless mode
- Stroke color : choose the color you like
- The contours of the circle: select the stroke or whatever you want
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 3
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 4
Step 8
Select the circle and press F8 to convert that circle into a Movie Clip
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 5
Step 9
Still select Movie Clip ' Circle '> Properties (Ctrl + F3) and enter the circle content for the part
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 6
Step 10
Double-click on the Movie Clip ' Circle ' or right-click and choose Edit in Place .
Step 11
Still select the circle> press F8 key to convert it to Movie Clip and name it circle_inside
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 7
Step 12
Click Frame 10 and press F6 key. Then open Action Script and enter the following script:
gotoAndPlay (1);
Step 13
Return to Frame 1, open Properties
- At Tween choose Motion
- At Rotate choose CCW
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 8
Macromedia Flash - The object moves with the mouse click position Picture 9
Step 14
Go back to the main scene (Scene 1), select the Circle layer, open Action Acript (F9) and enter the following script content:
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
_root.drag = this;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
_root.difx = this._x- _root.object._x;
_root.object.targetx = this._x;
_root.dify = this._y- _root.object._y;
_root.object.targety = this._y;
_root.done = False
Step 15
Add a new layer and name it Action Script. Open the Action Script panel (F9) and enter the following script:
stop ();
And now you just need to check your results by pressing Ctrl + Enter or otherwise you can get the complete file here.